[Kai] Night Time

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Kai pov-----

"I just hope i can get her back" one of my staff members said while we were on our way to the karaoke place his girlfriend was working at.

"Ahh i'm sure you will, don't worry" i told him. I really hate this place, the only reason for coming here is that he always convinces and drags me along.

We ended up getting a room and we waited for her to come to take our orders.

"Hello. Welcome to the-oh"

A girl we have never seen around entered and introduced her as our waitress. She paused as soon as she saw my face, i guess she knows me"

"I'm sorry. Welcome to our Karaoke Club, I will be your Waitress today, please take care of me." She said and bowed.

I thought she would ask for an autograph.

"Ahm sorry but were is Urara-san?" my friend asked immediately.

"I'm sorry but she changed her shifts with me"

"Ahh i see" he said and sat there for a minute, thinking what to do now.

"So when is her shift then?" He blurted out fast.

"I'm really sorry but she told me not to tell you" she said and bowed a bit.

He looked at her desperately.

"Look, i'm sure you can tell us. He just wants to talk to her" i said after getting kind of annoyed with this whole situation. I'm just here wasting my break time.

"I'm sorry" she said and bowed down again. "So what would you like to order?" She continued while grabbing her pen and block.

"Get us 2 beers." I said, kind of pissed off now, so she went out.

"Am i supposed to wait all day in here to see her?" He said.
More wasted time?

"Listen, we will get that girl to speak" i said and leaned back.

After a few minutes that girl came back with our orders. She placed it in front of us and wanted to leave before i spoke up.

"We really need to know when she will be here. We will of course give you some money for that information" i said.

"I'm really sorry but i can't"
As soon as she said that she bowed down aagain and went out.

"What now?"

"Let's drink and get back to the studio, maybe she will be here next time" i said and started drinking from my glass.
I didn't very much care about all this anyway.

Two weeks passed. He tried calling her but she wouldn't pick up. We went to the karaoke place twice but she wasn't there, as well as that girl. I wonder whether that girl got fired or quit herself? She was pretty rude, so it was bound to happen at some point.

I was already quite annoyed by him. Why does he even take me with him everytime. I mean i helped him before often and now it just doesn't stop.

It was already late today but he still wanted to go and look for her again. As soon as we got there, i saw that girl again, she just got to the back and went out taking out the trash, i guess. So she is still here.

"Go into their staff room over there and look at the lists there. They must have some kind of timetable for the workers, i will go out for a bit, i need to call someone"

He nodded and went to the staff room immediately.

I went to the back. I kind of wanted to talk to that girl again.
I opened the door and could already see the big blue garbage cans but she wasn't there. I got out and looked to the other side and she sat there petting a cat.

I let out a sign and the door closed quite loud behind me. The cat got scared by the noise and just ran off.

She watched it run away and stood up. When she turned around and saw me she seemed quite surprised.

She greeted me and wanted to go in but i leaned against the door while taking out a cigarette and my lighter.

"Want one?" I asked politely.

"No, thank you" she said and wanted to grab the doorknob but i wouldn't move an inch"

I should keep her here a bit longer. What if she goes to the staff room and sees him taking pictures of their timetable.

"So you still won't tell us" i asked her, lighting my cigarette.

"I'm sorry"

"Can you only say that one sentence?"

"I'm not sure what else you want to hear from me. A straight 'no' would be rude, wouldn't it?" She said.

"Ahh so you  want to curse us out?" I said and a grin appeared on my face.

So you aren't a shy one huh?

Her pov----

I really don't understand what these two expect from me. I promised her not to tell, so they should understand, shouldn't they?

I didn't want to seem rude and just push him away.
"Could you maybe move a bit, i need to continue my work"

"I'm sorry, ne?" he said in an imitating tone and then smiled.

"You know me right?" He asked after a while of silence.

"I do"

"You probably thought i'm a shy, very harmles person right? You must be a little bit shocked"

"I didn't really think much, i tend not to believe everything online"

"Ahh that's good. Let me  introduce myself then. My name is Kai, not much of a shy person, but i like the shy ones, it's easy to tease them" he said and held this hand out  to me.

I didn't really know what to do so i gave him my hand to shake. As soon as he grabbed my hand he pulled me closer to him.

"And what's your name?" He asked while being only a few inches away from my face.

I pulled my hand away and stared at him.

"Woah so you are a shy one?"

"Please, step away from the door" i said while looking at him. I must have seemed quite angry, i guess because he got irritated and moved.

As i opened the door, i felt him very close to my neck.

"We will see each other next time then" he said and i felt his grin, even thought i couldn't see it.

Some weeks passed but i didn't see him around anymore, until one night when  he came along quite late, but this time alone.

-jrockerxreader//one shots-Where stories live. Discover now