Cooking with Kagari x Fem!Reader [1XSHOT~fluff~]

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This is your generic x Reader kind of story, a little fluffy, using (l/n) and (f/n) as usual.

Reader-chan is an Enforcer, who joined Division 2 same time as Kagari joined Division 1, completely independent character from previous stories.


It was a day before Akane's birthday. Gino decided he wants to throw her a party, just to keep her hue clear. You, as the unofficial member of Division 1, who was always hanging around Kagari and vice versa, were in their office when the party planning took place.
"(f/n)-chan, we're gonna do some cooking!" -Kagari gave you a thumbs up with a big smile on his face. The red-head was known for his delicious dishes! But you?
"M-me?" -you stuttered. "I-I can't cook! Unless it's Overcooked, then I'm the queen!"
"Anyone can cook!" -he shrugged. "Ah, come on, (f/n)-chan, it will be fun! You can't be worse than Akane-chan."
"Don't remind me." -Kogami groaned at his desk. "I think she gave us all food poisoning."
"Yeah, she was pretty bad." -Kagari chuckled. "Ginoza-san never let us give her a critique either, because..."
"It would cloud her hue!" -the two finished the sentence together.
"I guess..." -you smiled. "I take constructive criticism well."
"You're being foolish, (l/n)-san." -Kogami warned you. "He's all smiles now but wait 'til you do something wrong in his kitchen."
"Ko-chan, don't discourage her like that!" -Kagari huffed at his colleague.

This is awful! -you thought.
You were chopping the vegetables.
"Not like that, (f/n)-chan, you have to dice them!" -Kagari warned you. "Here." -he took the knife from you and showed you again how to do that.
You did just well enough. Until you started chopping the carrots.
"No, cut them julienne!"
"Who's Julienne?" -you looked at him confused.
"No, the matchstick method! Chop-chop!" -Kagari made cutting motions in the air.
"Oh, yes!" -you were really lost in the kitchen.
So much so that you cut your thumb, almost completely off!
"Fuck!" -you cursed and dropped the knife.
"Shit, take this!" -Kagari rolled of some kitchen paper towels and pressed it on your finger. "We have to go the ER, you'd need stitches!" -Kagari ripped off the edge of his T-shirt and tied it around your finger, very tightly. "Come on!"
Holding your bloody hand, Kagari escorted you to the doctor.
You were seen almost immediately due to the nature of your disaster. You got a massive amount of painkiller and some stitches.
"You should come back tomorrow around noon for a re-dressing" -the doctor said after he put some clean gauze on your thumb.
"Thanks, doc!" -you nodded and stood up. "Woah... I feel dizzy."
"It's the painkiller you got to do the stitches. It will wear off in a few hours, but you should head straight to bed."
Slowly you walked back to Kagari. He was waiting for you in the corridor in his ripped T-shirt.
"How are you doing?"
"Great!" -you gave him a thumbs up with your patched up one.
"Man, if I knew you were gonna be so hopeless, I'd have never asked for your help!" -Kagari scratched the back of his head and called the elevator.

You wanted to head to your own place as you reached the dormitories, but Kagari wouldn't let you leave. He felt very much responsible for what happened to you and invited you to stay at his, so he could take care of you. You were getting too tired to argue.
In his care package, Kagari made you some miso soup and a fruit juice, then he proceeded to play video games while you ate. Once you fell asleep on his lap, Kagari covered you in a blanket and gave you a kiss on your forehead.
"Feel better soon, (nickname)-chan." -he whispered in your ear. (A/N: no, you were pretty much out on meds and never recall this event, sowwyy ^^)

The next morning you woke up before Kagari. It was only 6am and your shift didn't start until 8. But you wouldn't be able to work with a busted hand.
You moved around to realize you fell asleep on the couch, well, on Kagari, to be precise.
You were snuggled up to his chest. You were covered in a blanket, and he was hugging you with one arm, while his other arm was across his eyes, holding a console in hand.
So sweet. -you blushed and slowly moved, hoping he wouldn't wake up.
You decided to make coffee and some bagels. One, because you were hungry and two, because Kagari actually woke up.
"Where are you off to?" -he yawned.
"Just to make some coffee and food."
"So early..." -he rubbed his eyes like a cute little toddler who was woken up from his sweetest dreams to attend school. "Can you handle yourself in the kitchen?" -he teased.
"Shut up!" -you nudged his arm. "I'm only using the butter knife."
"Good." -he brushed your cheek. "I was really worried about you..."
Before you could get lost in the moment, you got a call.
"Yes?!" -you jumped up. You saw your shepherd, Inspector Aoyanagi calling.
"(l/n)-san, I just saw your medical report from last night. What happened?" -she was genuinely worried about you, so you explained the situation to her. "I see. You'll take today off. End of discussion."
"But..." -you wanted to say that you feel better, and you can do something.
"Get well soon, (l/n)-san!" -she hung up.
"So I guess I'm off today." -you sat back next to Kagari.
"I'm not." -Kagari sighed. "But I will see you here at 6, ok?"
"To cook the food."
"With my busted hand?"
"You can always stir or taste... or just keep me company!" -he shot a big smile at you. Your heart skipped a beat. Kagari was usually smiling at you and the two of you had a very good relationship, but after last night, you felt connected. And who knows, maybe you two could have kissed if Aoyanagi didn't call you!
"Okay." -you finally nodded. "I'll see you then."

The hours slowly passed. You got a new bandage on your thumb and got ready for the party. Nothing extravagant, but you wanted to look nice. For Kagari. -you smiled to yourself. No, he's just a very friendly guy.
You arrived promptly, with a bottle of wine (that you opened, but you wouldn't let Kagari drink just yet) but you could only help out with menial tasks, like passing the salt and pepper and stir. Plus, Kagari didn't want you to take risks.
"I'm gonna let you have first taste, (f/n)-chan." -Kagari put the wooden spoon in front of your mouth. He made 3 different kinds of sauces: Bolognese, vegetarian and seafood. You tried the Bolognese.
"Oooh, hot, hot, hot!" -you burned your tongue a little.
Kagari stepped over to you, put both of his hands on your face and planted a small kiss on your injured tongue.
You stared at him in surprise.
"I just wanted to kiss it better." -he smiled sheepishly with tinted cheeks.
"Smooth moves, Kagari-kun." -you smiled back at him. Your hands snaked around his neck.
The two of you shared a proper kiss, knowing this would be the beginning of something new.

<BONUS – how to get rid of your unwanted guests! reader-chan x Kagari-kun style>

For the rest of the evening, which was a success regards to food and atmosphere, Kagari would hardly leave your side or let you leave his. While you played cards, he was constantly trying to peek at your cards, teasing you to no end.
"Let's go for a second." -he whispered in your ear. The two of you exited to the corridor. Kagari pinned you against the wall and kissed you passionately. He caught you off guard. You always saw him as sweet and adorable, but tonight he was... sexy! "I can't wait for them to leave." -he said about the guests.
"Hm, I might have an idea."
"... okay?"
"Can you pretend to be sick?"
"Leave it to me!"
You went back in his dorm, and Kagari immediately ran to the bathroom. And started making retching noises, as if he was throwing up.
"Guys, I think we should call it a night." -you said. "Kagari isn't handing his liquor too well."
"We'll help you clean up!" -Akane offered.
Great – you thought to yourself. Why can't you all just leave?!
We were taking forever putting away the food and packing up Akane's gifts.
Kagari stayed stuck in the bathroom. Raising suspicion.
Everyone was just about to leave, finally, but Kogami turned around.
"Are you sure you won't need help with Kagari? What if he's passed out?"
"He's fine!" -you blushed, trying to force him out the door.
"I'm just down the hall if you need any-!"
"Thank you, Kogami-san, but I will be fine, buh-bye!" -you locked the door behind him. "Good grief..." -you sighed to yourself. "Kagari-kun?"
"I thought they'd never leave!" -he came out of the bathroom and walked up to you. "Don't get me wrong, they are nice but..." -he kissed you softly. "I wanna spend tonight with you and no one else."
You kissed him back, a little wilder, and headed for his bedroom...


And that'd be it :) I proof-read again and corrected most spelling errors... I don't feel comfortable desecrating Kagari so pls pls pls don't expect a lemon from me ^^" I think of him as a sweet boi, I'd take a monster truck for, ok?!
TYSM for reading, commenting, rating <3 always appreciated :D

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