[Chapter 1] Dark Side of the Moon [Kogami x Reader]

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Hello, reader-chan! Welcome to Chapter 1 of 3! NO SPOILERS! ^^ Enjoy! x


Back in high school, I was playing in a band, with a few of my class mates. After one of these gigs I got to know Shinya Kogami and Nobuchika Ginoza. They mentioned how they want to work in CID, which got me thinking, I can do that, too.

Little did I know, I ended up working under Kogami in Division 3, as a trainee.

He asked me out almost immediately. I was so happy. His steel-like eyes captured me and I was ready to be his forever.

"Ko..." -I yawned on an early morning.

He set the alarm for 6 am sharp, but refused to do anything about the buzzing noise. The alarm clock was over his side of the bed on the night stand. I had to crawl over him to stop the alarm blaring through the crack of dawn.

I bet he liked this. My skin brushed against his, as I pressed the snooze button.

"Morning, (F/n)!" -he ran his fingers down my spine.

"Don't..." -I yawned again, even louder than before. I hated getting up early, especially during winter, when everything was so dark and cold outside. "Why can't we stay in bed today? Just take the day off." -I snuggled up to Kogami's bare chest.

"And who's going to take care of the Enforcers?" -he asked, interlacing his fingers with mine.

I didn't say a word. He was right, of course, we had to go to work. Both of us. Sometimes, we got two consecutive days off, but they could never overlap, as we both worked at the same Division.

"Maybe, I can pull some strings." -he said.

"Like?" -I looked up to him.

"It's a surprise." -Kogami planted a small kiss on my forehead, before he got out of bed to get ready himself.

That motivated me to leave the comfort of the warm bed, too.

I got us coffee and a light breakfast, while he took a shower. I didn't like to shower in the morning, especially not on cold days like this. I preferred it to be my evening ritual. Just wash away all the work, and keep my hue clear. Not that I ever had a problem with that.

I got dressed in my white blouse, navy blue blazer and matching suit pants.

Kogami got out of the bathroom.

"Smells good in here." -he shot a smile at me and sat by the table. Half-naked.

"Darling, you can't just sit like this at breakfast." -I scolded him.

"Sounds like my girlfriend wears the pants in the relationship. T-shirt is enough?"

"Get dressed!"

Kogami threw his towel around his waist in my face, revealing everything underneath.

"If we had time..." -I laughed as he walked away.

"I know, I'm irresistible." -he flexed his biceps, smirking at me.

I loved this guy so much!

Once Kogami got dressed in his work suit, I already wolfed in my own sandwich, cereal and coffee, and disappeared in the bathroom, to brush teeth, wash face and so on... you know, female morning ritual.

"Can I ask you something?" -Kogami leaned against the bathroom door's frame next to me, arms folded in front of his chest. He'd always follow me around, when I was here. He liked to observe every one of my moves. Or just liked looking at my ass, it's going to be a secret forever.

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