[Chapter 2] Two Weeks 'til Full Moon [Psycho-Pass x Reader]

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Greetings, beloved reader! :) I figured, since it's been over a week, why not upload Chapter 2 of 3? Also, I'm extremely happy that you guys read my stories, thank you all so much! xoxo

NO SPOILERS AHEAD! And there's a BONUS BIT... For Kogami lovers :P
This chapter is more of a filler, if you must, but I wanted to explore the different type of relationships reader-chan has with the other characters, hence  for the title, I did not pick a single individual. Enjoy! :) 


It's been long over a year. I didn't speak to Kogami for months after that messy break up.

But I did speak to Masaoka, the beloved father figure in my life, about Kogami a lot. Masaoka explained why it all happened. It made sense. But for a long time, he never mentioned Kogami actually missed me and wished things have been different...for my own safety...

If only...

Nowadays, I was on good terms with Kogami. We eventually became friends again, but no more. I couldn't form anything romantic or meaningful with anyone, yet. Maybe I was still in love with Kogami, maybe I was simply afraid to get hurt like that again... The reasons were unclear.

I was getting ready for my gig. Only two weeks to go!

Unfortunately, two of my classmates and good friends ended up labelled as latent criminals ever since we left high school, and one of them wasn't even allowed into society. At all!

I used to play the guitar, but that night, I was supposed to sing.

I needed a guitarist... NOW!

Yayoi Kunizuka! -I thought to myself.

But I'll also need a permission...

How do I get both?

I asked Kunizuka.

"What?" -she gasped. "Are you joking?" -her eyes lit up and her usual serious face was gone. "I-I ...of course, I will play!" -she stuttered.

"Great, you're a lifesaver!" -I hugged her briefly.

"How come?" -she asked, breaking the hug.

"My friend is not allowed into society at all, so he can't be there. He used to play guitar, and I know you can play..."

"I'm glad you picked me. But..." -she looked towards the end of the office. Towards the seat that Ginoza took up. He wasn't there.

"He's not the only Inspector around here, now, is he?" -I winked at her.

"Tsunemori is a trainee..."

"Still!" -I scoffed. "I can butter that girl up."

"That's simple. You should worry about Gino..."

As we discussed, Akane Tsunemori walked through the door with a box in her hands.

I guess it was the new screen she ordered. Her old one wasn't working properly.

"Hi, Inspector (L/n)!" -she greeted. "Does your Division need something?"

"Inspector Tsunemori!" -I nodded. "It's more like personal errands..." -I gave a confident look to Kunizuka and continued on. "Can Kunizuka come to my gig? Under your supervision, of course."

"Huh?" -she almost dropped the box in surprise. "How?"

"I have a gig in two weeks and..." -I explained my situation and why I was so desperate to have a guitarist.

"I think it's ok." -Tsunemori blushed. "Do we need to ask Ginoza-san?"

"No!" -me and Kunizuka said it at the same time.

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