[Chapter 6] The End [Kogami x Reader x Ginoza]

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I'm so sorry I had some technical difficulties hence I couldn't update! :(
This is the final chapter. We continue from the exact moment the previous chapter ended. I hope you all like it. I couldn't come up with a better ending. :D


"Thanks so much for last night, Ko!" -I shouted from the bathroom. "Seriously, I needed that." -I opened the bathroom door that led straight to the living area. I saw Gino's disgusted face. "Oh..." -I just realized how bad the situation was. I wore nothing but a towel wrapped around me. How much worse could this get?
Kogami face palmed and turned away from the view of me and Gino.
"And like a good boyfriend I worried myself sick over your safety last night!" -Gino spat the words towards me. "But you were here, fucking around with an Enforcer!"
"Gino, he's just a friend! You need to hear me out!" -I tried to catch his arm but he pulled away.
"Haven't I seen enough?"
"It's not what it looks like!" -I blushed. Goddammit, stop blushing now! "Please, hear me out!"
Gino took a deep breath with his eyes closed. He turned to Kogami.
"Will you give us some privacy?"
"Nope." -Kogami sipped in his coffee, leaving Gino unimpressed.
I waved him to move our argument to Kogami's bedroom. He followed me and closed the door behind us. The unfriendliness filled the air around us.
"Your clothes?" -Gino sat on the bed.
"It's not like that!" -I sighed. "I didn't want you to worry about me last night."
"Right." -he spoke in repugnance. "So you came here and let him worry about you?"
"Gino! Why don't you trust me?"
"Oh, I'm sorry!" -he used a sarcastic attitude. "Next time when you have nothing to hide, please, switch off your phone and don't let your fuckbuddy answer either!"
"He's not my fuckbuddy!" -I felt my eyes filled with tears and my heart with anger. How could he do this to me? Nothing happened! His accusation really hurt me.
"Gino, I didn't want you to worry, because..." -I bit my lip. I lowered my voice. "I know about your Psycho Pass."
"You what?" -his eyes widened.
"I-It was an accident." -I stuttered. "I swear, I didn't mean to..."
"Enough!" -Gino stood up and walked to the door. "I have to go."
"Nobu..." -I tried to catch his arm but he pulled away.
"I need you to stay away from me for a while." -he opened the door and walked out.
I felt the sinking feeling in my stomach.
My eyes filled with tears.
It's over. My relationship with Gino hit rock bottom. And I did my fair share of him not having faith in me. If I only talked to him last night...
I got dressed in my clothes from yesterday.
"Hey." -Kogami came in without knocking. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah." -I sniffed, combing my hair with my fingers. I felt his strong arms hugging me from behind. "He wants me to stay away from him!" -I let my tears flow.
"I'm sure he won't stay mad at you for long."
"He thinks that we... slept together" -I got out of Kogami's hug.
"You told him we didn't, right?"
"He didn't listen." -I wiped my tears and walked to the kitchen. "Thanks for the coffee!" -I grabbed a mug on the counter, trying to change the subject. "The way I used to?"
"One spoon coffee, two spoon sugar and a drop of milk." -Kogami sat on the couch, lighting another cigarette. My lips curled to a shy smile. After all this time, he still remembered.
"Are you off today?" -I asked.
"Afternoon shift." -he huffed out some smoke.
"I'll see you around." -I said after I finished my coffee.
"(f/n)!" -Kogami grabbed my arm, before I could leave. "If you need to talk to someone..."
"I know." -I nodded, but he didn't let me go. He pulled me closer by the arm. I felt my heart racing beneath my chest and my cheeks tinting red. "Ko..." -I muttered.
"I can't believe he's such an ass. So stubborn, sticking to his own ridiculous thoughts..." -he let his forehead touch mine and his hands held me by the waist.
"Just friends, huh?" -I whispered with a little chuckle, looking in his grey eyes. The situation was absurd.
"I could ask the same thing." -he smirked at me.
He was right. My hands were wrapped around his neck. I didn't even notice when I did it.
"Sorry!" -I pulled away. "I-I must go!" -I left without hearing another word from him.
It was so close! Last night we were fine, but this morning... as if something snapped in both of us. Are there any boundaries left?
I focused on the job during the day.
Kogami dropped by Division 3 in the afternoon, but I refrained from a conversation.
For a long while. My feelings were mixed. I had to keep my distance from Gino, but I didn't want to run to Kogami's welcoming arms. I had no mental strength to put myself under that sort of emotional confusion. But I didn't even want to think about the situation. It won't get better if I overthink it.

The situation with the helmet case got worse.
Makishima was captured on a horrific night. Of course, he was behind all this! Enforcers were gone missing, including the twins, Kuro and Kunio, from my Division and Kagari from Division 1. They could have died or ran away. Anything was possible. A Dominator also went missing that night. And Daiki Matsu, my trainee and colleague was beaten to death. Makishima escaped soon after he was captured. Without trace.
I didn't want to be an Inspector anymore. I wished for Makishima's death for all the pain he caused, for everything he was responsible for. But as an Inspector I wasn't allowed to murder. I resigned. No, I didn't really plan on killing that bastard, but it crossed my mind more than once. Yet, my hue never clouded.
The two Enforcers left at my Division were devastated by all the changes. But I made this decision for the greater good. I didn't fit for the job any more, or perhaps, the job didn't fit me. I had a very personal reason to leave, too, apart from all the awful events taking place. I found out I was pregnant.
"Shit!" -I covered my mouth in surprise on the day.
My period was late so I thought I should get a pregnancy test done. There was only one man who could come in question: Ginoza. The time we fooled around in his kitchen, we didn't use protection.
Maybe I could talk to him. All I knew after the test showed a positive result for pregnancy was that I had to talk to Gino. When I say goodbye to Division 1, personally, I could do that, too -I thought.
I knocked on the door and stepped in.
Tsunemori and Kunizuka stopped working on their computers. Unlike Ginoza. He was still typing away. He only looked up for a second, just as disgusted as on the day he found me at Kogami's. That's the father of my child. -I sighed to myself with a deep sigh. There's no way we'd talk right now.
Masaoka looked at me, then at Gino and then back to me, trying to figure out what happened between us. Should I tell him? Should I tell Masaoka he's going to be a grandad? Maybe later. -I agreed with myself. I noticed that Kogami wasn't around.
"I came to say goodbye." -I said. "I no longer work here as an Inspector." -Gino stopped typing but didn't look at me. He closed his eyes behind his glasses and kept them closed. I wondered what was going on in his mind at that moment.
"Where are you going to work?" -Kunizuka asked.
"I'll see what my aptitude test tells me." -I replied, however I knew exactly where I could work. Or more like what could I be part of.
"Why?" -Tsunemori asked. Her thigh was still covered in bandage. It angered me. She got shot because of Makishima. "You're a great Inspector."
"It's rather personal." -I took a bow. "Goodbye!" -I didn't wait for supporting words or hugs. There was still someone I wanted to see. Kogami.
I knew everyone was supposed to work hard on the case. So why would Kogami be away?
I knocked on his door at the dormitory. Instead of opening the door, he called out a loud "Come in!".
"Hi." -I walked in.
"(f/n), what brings you here?" -he was sitting on his couch. He seemed to be over what happened between us. It'd be better for me to move on, too. Kogami was writing a letter. That's odd! People don't write letters at this age, only e-mails.
"I, er, came to say goodbye."
"Goodbye?" -he frowned and stuck the letter in an envelope. He stood up and walked to the kitchen.
"I won't be an Inspector anymore."
"That's crazy." -he huffed. "Want a drink?" -he asked, opening cupboards, searching for clean glasses.
"No, thanks." -I replied and sat on his couch. I opened the envelope and read in his letter. It was a farewell letter. For Tsunemori.
"Where are you going to work?" -he asked, without turning around.
"We'll see." -I shrugged. "What is this?" -I asked, picking up the letter. Kogami turned around.
"It's not yours." -he chuckled. He got us some water and sat back next to me, then tucked away the letter once more.
"I don't care who it is addressed to!" -I scoffed. "You're leaving?"
"(f/n), I have to do this." -Kogami said. "Makishima can't get away again!"
"He's never getting out of your head, that's for sure!"
"I can't let Sasayama's murderer run around free."
"You... you want to kill him, don't you?" -I shifted my eyes. "Ko, if you do that..."
"Calm down!" -he got hold of my hands. He looked in my (e/c) eyes with his steel-like orbs and continued. "Let me worry about it."
"NO!" -I shouted and ripped away my hands. Instead, I wrapped them around his neck. I was almost on his lap. I felt my eyes watering. "You can't do that!" -I kissed his cheek. "I mean it, Ko." -I kissed his other cheek. "You can't ..." -I kissed his lips. It was only a peck on the lips on my side, but Kogami went further. He kissed me back, sliding a tongue in, pulling me on his lap. One of his hands were on the back of my head and the other was on my lower back. It happened so quickly. I could hardly break away. Because he held me strongly... because I didn't want him to stop...
But then I started to come to my senses. I was pregnant with Gino's child! That's it! Gino is the boundary between me and Kogami! Once I realized that, I was able to control my lips and hands... and the situation. "Stop!" -I broke the kiss, gasping for air.
"That was... I dunno what came over me. I shouldn't have kissed you." -Kogami panted. He helped me off him and covered his face in embarrassment.
"Yeah." -I agreed. "It's just... it's gonna be odd without you around here." -I knew that once he's done with Makishima, he can't stay in this country any longer.
"And that's a good enough reason to kiss me?" -he tried to tease.
"Sorry!" -he pulled me in for a hug. "I guess there are still some feelings left."
"And boundaries." -I added.
"Gino?" -he asked, letting me out of the hug.
"Yeah, exactly. And...er...well..." -I stuttered. Damn! I could feel my entire face going red. He's going to figure me out!
"Wait a second!" -Kogami leaned closer to me. My face got a darker shade of red by each inch. "Is there something I should know about?"
"Well... "-I took a deep breath. Kogami will know about it before Gino does. "I'm pregnant."
"Damn!" -Kogami winked at me. "My kiss must be pretty strong."
"You idiot!" -I nudged his arm, bursting out in laughter. "It's not yours!"
"Gino's?" -he asked. I nodded. "Shit... I really shouldn't have kissed you. Or mentioned feelings." -he said, embarrassed.
"It happens." -I put a hand on his cheek that he granted with a kiss on my palm.
"Have you told him?" -Kogami finally asked.
"Please!" -I scoffed. "He's still mad at me for no damn reason. If I tell him I'm pregnant, he might think it's yours!"
"He'll come around. I'm sure."

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