1xShot: The Ride Along - Kagari x Reader

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Hi all! I hope everyone is doing (relatively) well with what is going on in the world rn. I hope these little stories can give you some sort of comfort and a mental break in times like these. Here I present you another one shot, another independent reader, another scenario with Kagari-kun!


You were waiting outside the MWPSB parking lot, when and old friendly face appeared!
"Kogami-san!" -you waved at him from the distance.
"Hey, kiddo!"

A/N: background of reader-chan: You were only a few years younger than him, but your small stature and child-like, innocent mind, he always referred to you as such.
You knew him and Gino from school.
Your mom and Masaoka used to be colleagues and that meant your families would often hang out together, and since Kogami was friends with Gino, it meant he would join, too.
This ride along was your mom's idea and pulled a few strings so you could see your old friends at work and how they handled situations. You wanted to become an Inspector since you were a little girl.

An orange-haired boy appeared at the door.
"Oi, Ko-chan, next time you take my video game, you better... Ooooh, hi, cutie!" -he stopped mid-sentence, as he looked at you with a tint of pink on his cheeks. "Are you lost?"
""Quit it!" -Kogami nudged him. "She's an old friend from school. She's coming with us today."
"Um, I'm no expert on psycho-hazard, but shouldn't she not come with us?" -he scratched his head with a worried look on his face.
"She can handle herself." -Kogami ruffled your hair with a faint smile.
"Ah, I would still look out for a girl like her on the field!" -he argued Kogami, then looked back at you. "Kagari." -the boy introduced himself and put out a hand. You shook. "Pleased to meet you!"
"(y/n)!" -you nodded. He was so sweet and full of energy.
You were immediately drawn to him. He is such a sweetie! -you thought

A paddy wagon pulled up and the two of them started walking towards it.
You followed suit.
"That's not your ride." -Kagari chuckled.
"We're hunting dogs." -Kogami spoke as he sat in the back. "You're gonna sit with Gino in his car."
"What? That's absurd! You guys are best friends!" -you protested. You were confused. Last time you checked, Kogami and Gino were inseparable.
Kogami let out a sigh as he closed his eyes.
"Not since I got demoted."
You were taken aback. You couldn't speak.
"We'll see you at the scene, (y/n)-chan!" -Kagari bid farewell and hopped in. As the doors were closing, he was still waving at you.
They're such nice people, I don't get it! – you thought. Is it really necessary to distance myself from my own Enforcers one day?
"(y/n), let's go!" -Gino spoke behind you. His tone was cold and authoritarian.
You shivered.
Gino completely changed. Just like Kogami.
You followed him to his car and took the passenger seat.
It took several minutes until he broke the silence.
"I'm completely against you coming with us." -Gino said.
"I'd like to see what you guys do..." -I shrugged.
"You can easily damage your Psycho-Pass today. You do understand that, right?"
You kept silent.
You wanted to ask him why he is acting like that, but you felt you wouldn't like his answer. Or he would straight up ignore your question.
"Is it necessary?" -you finally posed your other question. It seemed less personal.
"Is it necessary to distance yourself from your Enforcers?"
Gino's eyes narrowed a little. His jaw clenched but he responded.
"Don't be a fool." -he said. "They're hunting dogs. Nothing more."
You soon arrived at said location where two men apparently held hostages and had nail guns on them.
Gino gave a briefing as they all took their Dominators.
This was the first time you could see one up close.
"Kagari, you come with me." –he said. "You stay in the car with (y/n)."
"Argh, Gino-san, you're killing me! I can stay with (y/n)-chan!" -Kagarai whined but he was completely ignored by his senior.
"Don't let her out of the car!" -he added aiming his words to Kogami. "That's your only job."

Me and Kogami were sitting in the car quietly.
"He's really different." -you finally said.
"Yeah, he's been through a lot." -Kogami agreed.
"You, too." -you said.
"Right." -he let down the window and started to smoke. "It's not an easy job, (y/n). I know you're strong and stable, but it can take one case, one image... and you're scarred for life."
You dropped your eyes.
"There he is!" -Kogami exclaimed and jumped out of the car.
"What?!" -you couldn't even understand what just happened, he was out of sight.
You had an incoming call. It was your mom.
The radio was making annoying, static noises as your phone continued to ring.
"Hi mom!" -you said as you got out of the car.
"Hey sweetie, how are you doing?"
"Fine, the guys are pursuing the criminals." -you shrugged. She wanted to discuss dinner for tonight.
"(y/n)-chan!" -Kagari was darting towards you. In a split second, he was right in front of you. He got shot in his shoulder. With a nail gun! You dropped your phone, and your eyes grew wide as you saw him hiss in pain. He took a bullet (well, nail) for you. "Now, cover your ears." -you did so, and Kagari pulled you into his chest. He held the back of your head as he fired. The Dominator was in Lethal mode. He did not want you to see or hear how it works. But it wasn't fool proof. You could still hear how the Dominator really worked.
"Kagari, get down!" -you heard Kogami's voice in the distance.
Kagari spun you around and threw you on the ground.
He became your human shield. He was down on his knees and elbows, being able to cover your entire torso. You were shaking like a leaf under him.
"Keep looking at me!" -he gave you a huge smile. You noticed some blood on his face and shirt.
There was nothing sweet about him right now.
He enjoyed his brutal job, and he was good at it.
He was a hunting dog.
You looked at Kogami under Kagari's arm.
Kogami had an ice-cold look on his face, not even a flinch, as he executed the perp. He was no longer the guy you knew from school and from Sunday lunches.
He was a hunting dog.
You were no longer in the same league as him. This is what Gino meant.

As your thoughts wandered, Kagari helped you up. You were still shaking.
"Why did you get out of the car?" -Kogami scolded you. "If it wasn't for Kagari who knows what could have happened!"
"I-I..." -you could barely speak when someone put a hand on your shoulder. You grabbed them by the wrist and threw them over your shoulder.
"What the hell is your problem?!" -Gino shouted at you. You threw him over your shoulder.
"I'm so sorry!" -you stepped back.
Kagari laughed at your reaction.
"She can handle herself, but she scares easy!" -he spoke to Kogami.
"Why did you leave the car?!" -Gino started his tirade on his former best friend.
"I'm really sorry for causing all this trouble!" -you bowed down. "Please forgive me! Especially you, Kagari-kun!"
"Oi, no need for that show!" -he cupped your chin and looked at you. "This comes with the job. Don't cry about it!" -he wiped some remnants of tears from your eyes. "You could take me to the doctor's, I do feel a little weak..." Kagari started to turn on his charm, but...
"Alright, Casanova, I'll take your weak ass to the doctor's!" -Kogami picked up his colleague.
You couldn't help but chuckled at that scene. They're hunting dogs but they're also human with human emotions.
"Will I take you home?" -Gino offered.
"Yeah..." -you nodded.
(A/N: you gave a quick call to your mom from Gino's phone as your own broke when you dropped it.)

BONUS (bc y not!)

A day later you went back to the headquarters. Your mom informed you that Kagari was ordered a few days of bedrest in the hospital. You found out from Kogami he likes video games and manga, so you gothim a Jojo figurine as a thank you for saving your life.
"(y/n)-chan?" -he looked up from a handheld device when you opened the door. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to say thanks... for saving my life!" -you bowed and gave him a nicely wrapped up gift.
"Sheesh, stop with the formalities already!" -he giggled. "I'm fine! But I will take this!" -he ripped open the wrapping paper and "Woah! No way, you got me Josuke!" -you were looking at him as he lifted the figurine towards the ceiling, like toddlers would. "Thanks!" -he had a big smile on his face and stood up.
"A-aren't you on bedrest?" -you blushed.
"I can't really kiss you from my bed, can I?" -Kagari planted a kiss on your cheek. Now you were you're your heart was racing, and you felt warm overall. "Suits you." -he brushed your flushed cheek. "Will you come back tomorrow?" -he asked. You nodded shyly. But you weren't sure if you will, if you would, if you should...so many thoughts!!! "Good!" -he smiled and ruffled your hair. "Just don't tell Ko, he's been already teasing me since you tagged along."
"That's sweet..." -you finally spoke. "You're sweet... I mean!" -you bit your lip. "Take care!" -you wanted to rush out as fast as you could, but Kagari got hold of you and now planted a kiss on your lips. You froze up but you were also happy he kissed you, because you did like him the other day but were also shy and awkward. He broke the ice!
"For calling me sweet." -he said as he parted his soft lips from yours. "You take care, too!"
With a big smile on your face, you left his hospital ward.
Your first impression of him was right: he is a sweetie!


aaaand that's it. I know it's nothing wowza, just a sweet lil thing, but I may be working on 2 separate longer PP stories, who knows if they get published xD However. it will be under a different book/collection/story title.
Yes! this collection is COMPLETE! This is the final chapter for now :) take care! stars and comments are appreciated!
Btw we made it #1 in Kogami?! WHAT?! Damn, thanks everyone! <3 :D until next time xx

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