<3 Valentine's Day - One Shot <3

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Hi there, beautiful weebs, 
I'm really sorry it took me so long to bring something Psycho-Pass related and it is only a one-shot. However, I am suffering from a writer's block when it comes to my latest PP story. It sounds great in my head, but when it comes to paper.... It just doesn't fit.

Anyway, enjoy this sweet one shot with no other than your's truly, Kogami-san <3
This is my first holiday themed one-shot (I think???), so don't be too harsh! :D

This has a SPOILER...!! It is set waaaay before the Specimen Case. Now, if you don't know what that is and you're a newcomer, for your own sake, STOP reading NOW!  ;)

Also, many thanks to all of you for all the reads and votes, you are amazing and inspiring !!!

On with the one-shot!


"14th of February." -I looked at my scanner's screen and scoffed. It was just a few seconds passed midnight. I still had a little bit of wine left in the bottle. I went to the balcony on one of the higher floors and looked down the empty streets far below me.
I always got a little sappy over the holidays at the MWPSB. As an Enforcer, we're not exactly allowed to have personal lives and what are holidays all about? To spend it with a loved one. Friends, family or a lover. I was far from all of these.

I took a big gulp of the wine and finished the bottle.
"Shit." – I muttered. I really liked that wine. It numbed my pain. I sat on the floor and searched my denim jacket for a packet of cigarettes. One piece left.
"(name)-san?" -someone called my name.
"Hm?" -I looked up as I lit my cigarette. It was my superior, Shinya Kogami. "Sorry, I'm off duty." -I hiccupped.
"That's fine." -he chuckled at the sight. "Sasayama is already passed out."
"Why are you even here?" -I asked. It came out ruder than I intended it to be.
"I still had some work to finish." -he said, leaning against the railing. "And I thought I'd check on you. I know holidays aren't your favourite season."
I looked up to him. The cigarette stuck to my upper lip as I half opened my mouth in awe.
Shinya Kogami. My supervisor. He is a handsome guy. But tonight, knowing he wanted to check on me... he was irresistible.
"That's nice of you, Shepherd One." -I used his code name and took a long drag. I didn't want to show him anything more. For now, at least.
"You look out for me in the field." -he sat down next to me. "I look out for you here."
"N'aww." -I cooed. "So tell me..." -I took another drag, letting the cancerous smoke fill my lungs for a couple of seconds. "How do you spend your Valentine's Day?"
"There's not much to say." -he shrugged, catching my eyes. "I will probably get some chocolate from Shion, maybe she'll steal a kiss but... I'm not involved with anyone, if that's what you wanted to hear." -Kogami winked at me. It made me giggle.
I took another drag and finished my cigarette. I flicked the butt on the opposite edge of the balcony.
"It's a pointless day, really." -Kogami added.
"Huh?" -I frowned.
"Valentine's Day." -he continued. "It's an excuse to show affection. What's stopping you to do that any other day of the year?" -he put a hand on my shoulder in a supportive manner.
"I don't know. It's still nice to belong to someone and share the day with." -I disagreed. And sneezed.
"(name)-san, you're gonna catch your death out here!" -Kogami pulled me up from my sitting position. "Here." -he took off his blue, officer's jacket and put it over my shoulders.
"Won't you be cold now?"
"At least it will keep me awake." -he said. "I want to finish my report before heading home. Or more like finish Sasayama's."
"That bastard." -I rolled my eyes. I walked to the railing and looked in the far nothing. And sneezed again. "Damn..." -I muttered.
"We should head back inside." -Kogami insisted for the sake of my health.
"Five more minutes." -I pouted.
"Alright." -he sighed. I felt a pair of arms snakes around me from behind. "I won't let you catch a cold, though."
"O-Okay." -Oh my God, what the hell is happening here?! He's hugging me!
I could feel my cheeks flush! Thank God, I was facing away from him.
What is he doing? Does he have a crush on me, too? I mean... I don't have a crush on him. I can't!
"Better?" -he whispered in my ear. His warm breath tickled my neck.
"U-huh." -I couldn't make better sounds that could be understood to be an answer.
We were standing like this, when I noticed something. Snow flurries. It was so rare in Japan. The whole situation started to feel... magical.
"I, er..." -Kogami let me go. "...have something for you."
I was puzzled.
"I know it's usually women giving chocolate to men, but..." -Kogami had a small packet of chocolate in his suit that he handed to me. "I know how much holidays mean to you."
"Thank you!" -my cheeks turned completely red. Even with the poor lighting, I knew he could see his effect on me. I was completely smitten with him!
Here it goes. Now or never! -I thought to myself.
I put my hand on the nape of his neck, tiptoed a little and gave him a little kiss on the lips. His lips felt so tender. But I didn't want to take it further. In fact, I ran away. I didn't even give him a chance to respond. What could he say, anyway?
I called the lift and went straight to my dorm.
I locked the door behind me and just sat there, staring in front of myself.
My heart was pounding so fast and loud I could hear it.
What have I done? What if the System finds out?
I couldn't think straight. Thoughts of what ifs made my head spin, faster and faster...

**knock, knock**

Someone knocked on my door.
I took a deep breath before opening the door.
"Ko-Kogami-san?" -my jaw dropped as I saw my superior in front of me.
"I just came..."
I didn't let him finish.
He came after me! It means something, right?
I pulled him in, slammed the door and kissed him.
This time, I knew what I wanted. We both did.
My lips moved confidently around his soft but tender ones. He begged for entry and I let him. Our tongues danced around. My arms locked around his neck, while he embraced me by my waist. Kogami picked me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist, but never stopping the kiss, and moved towards the kitchen. He sat me on the table and parted his lips. We were both panting.
"I just came for my jacket." -he said with a small smile on his face.
"What...?" -I sat there dumbfounded. "You... Oh, my God!" -I covered my face.
Of course, he came for his jacket!
I took it by a complete accident. It fell on the floor after I let him in, right before our make-out session.
"I'm so sorry..." -I muttered, still covering my face.
"You're one hell of a kisser, Hound Four." -he chuckled. "And..." -he took my hands off my face to look in my eyes. His grey eyes were sparkling. "I liked it."
"You mean...?" -I whispered with a dry throat.
Kogami didn't reply.
He pressed his lips lightly against mine for a moment.
"I'll see you in the morning." -he said.
"But I'm off." -I corrected him.
"Who says it's gonna be work related?" -he leaned closer. "I'll spend Valentine's day with you."
"I wouldn't trade it for the world." -I let our noses touch.
"Well, then.... Good night, (first name)-chan!" -Kogami kissed my forehead.
"Good night... Shinya." -I smiled.


That's it for now! :) Thank your for reading! If you really liked it, give it a vote! xx

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