Part 1 : Escaping

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Killua stabs Milluki and I stab mom in the side and face and we both ran to the exit

I run and we both open the front gate

Time skip --
We make it down to town and continue walking
"Damn I left my skate board--" I whine

"buy a new one baka" Killua said throwing me jenny
"Thanks " I say running to a shop

I walk in and walk to a black skate board with a moon on it
"You seem to like this one lady" a man says from behind me
"Yea I do, how much is it?" I ask
"($) Jenny with tax"
"I have exactly that much!" I say grabbing the board handing him money
"Thank you have a good night" I say running to Killua
"look at this one!!!" I shout to Killua
"Woah that's so cool!" Killua says

We begin walking again

Time skip---------

We begin walking up to a steak shop

I walk in with Killua behind me

"Hello how may I help you two?" A man asks

"Can we have steak, crisp roast and over the fire" I say while Killua looks at me shocked not knowing what I'm saying

"ok go to the back room please, and good luck"

"Ok. Thank you!" I say walking to the back room

We sit down and a woman brings us badges 99 and 100 and leaves
I look at Killua and smirk
I go to snatch 99 but he grabs it first
"DAMMIT!!" I yell grabbing the 100 badge and putting it on my shirt that goes over my corset


We stand up and walk into the waiting area

"meet up during first phase " I whisper to Killua walking off

I walk over to a wall and sit in a boyish style with one leg to my chest and the other facing out

I go on my phone and play games for a couple minutes

I see a ace card slide in front of me

I quickly turn of my phone and look up excidedly

"HISO-CHAN!!" I yell and jump up giving him a big hug

At this point everyone is looking at me but I ignore it
"How long has it been-? Since you were I believe 15~" Hisoka says putting me down
"yup! And I still have your card ya know!" I say putting the card in his hand

"heh, you really are a wonder~" Hisoka Says patting my head


Hey guys! Its me Jean☺
The chapters are not as long BUT I will make a lot of them


(445 words)

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