BONUS PART 2 : gons turn and a lil drama

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Gon gets ready to sing

He sings beautifully

"kurapikas turn now" jean ☺ says
(Your favorite song)

I smile as he finishes and then walk to the stand

I finish and everyone stares at me in shock

My eyes go black and I blush in embarrassment
And I sit down next to Kurapika

"And the winner is.....Y/N!!" Jean☺ yells

I smile and lay my head on Kurapika's lap while listening to everyone


"I'm down" I say

"Ok put a finger down if you have.. Ate  a Tide-Pod and surrvived" Gon says

"Why are you targeting me?" I ask putting a finger down

" put a finger down if your a Virgin " Hisoka  says

Gon, Killua, Alluka and Leorio put their fingers down

Everyone turns to Illumi, Hisoka, Kurapika, and I

"I knew that Illumi and Hisoka arnt virgins but you guys too!!??" Leorio yells

I shrug

"Put a finger down if you've almost died before" I say targeting Gon
"Wait- Oh shit- DAMMIT" I say realizing I have too

"put a finger down if you went through the 'I wanna die' phase" Leorio asks
I put my finger down

"Nah, Y/N you're still in that phase lemme buy a barcode scanner and scan your wrists" Killua shouts

"Too far man.." Leorio says as I look down

"That's even to far for me" Illumi says

I look up at Killua

"At least I didn't stand in front of a train and have Gon save me" I say with a emotionless face

"Well at least I'm not the reason why Netero died!" Killua shouts
I sit up
"At least I'm not the person who is obsessed with Gon being only his friend!" I shout

"Luckily I wasn't locked up my almost whole life!" Killua shouts louder

"At least I am not the only child mom obsesses over..!" I shout

"At least I wasn't the to be heir of the family but got locked up because of my eye color!!" Killua yells

"At least I'm not the reason why my eldest brother and sister almost committed suicide because of feeling rejected by their parents because of their little brothers birth looks and strength!!!" I scream as everyone goes silent

We all shut up and continue the game

"put a finger down if your eyes change to a  color due to your emotions" Gon say as me and Kurapika put a finger down

"put a finger down if you put milk before cereal sometimes" Alluka asks

I put down my last finger




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