The Proposal

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(Killua and Gon are 17 u and Kurapika are 24 and Alluka is 14)

Kurapika's POV

"Killua are you sure she'll like thing ring?" I ask confused

"Yes, she loves (favorite Gem) "


I hand the cashier the money and we leave

"So when are you going to propose?"

"Today..when we all go out for the Hunters dinner " I say nervously

"ok, don't be nervous, soon to be brother in law" Killua says chuckling

I smile and we walk home

Small A/N

You and Kurapika bought a house for everyone to live in!

Gon and Killua share a room, Alluka and Leorio, have their own rooms, Illumi and Hisoka share a room, and you and Kurapika share one


"Were Home!!" Killua shouts

"Kurapika! Onii-chan !!" Alluka shouts hugging us

I smile and when she lets go I begin walking up the stairs

"Everyone!! Get ready for the Hunters dinner!!" I shout getting a bunch of 'okays ' and 'on it's' back

I walk into Y/N's and my room

I hide the ring box in my drawer


I walk out of the bathroom and hug Kurapika

"I'm gonna get ready bubs" I say going to my drawers

"I'm supposed to dress formal right?" I ask

Kurapika nods and I pick out a pretty black dress

15 minutes later

I come out of the bathroom after doing my hair and putting my dress on

"Kurapika, This one strand of white from before my hair went black just won't go away" I say confused

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"Kurapika, This one strand of white from before my hair went black just won't go away" I say confused

"interesting" he say looking at my hair

"You guys ready!!??" Gon shouts from downstairs

We walk down stairs and I see Kurapika shove something in his pocket

I shrug and keep walking downstairs

We all get in the car and I sit in the passengers seat
(Y'all are in one of those 8 seat cars)

I take my phone out

"Smile everyone!!!" I shout and we all look at the phone and smile but Illumi -_-

We arrive and walk up to the security guy and all show our Hunters license (Our bby Alluka has one too 😝😝)

We walk in and sit at the table in the middle of the room

Bisky's POV

I go onto my phone and make a HUGE Group chat of everyone attending the party besides Y/N


Y/N Zoldyk , the woman sitting at table A1 , her boyfriend Kurapika will propose to her tonight, keep quiet about it


Illumi Zoldyk

Alluka ❤



3rd person POV

After everyone eats Kurapika sends a text in the big group chat telling them he's doing it

Kurapika's POV

I stand up

"Y/N can you stand up for a second?" I ask

She nods and stands

Everyone looks at us and Killua records on his phone and Gon is going live on Y/N's phone... WAIT LIVE?!

"I met you when we were 7, we hung out and played, we got separated until the hunters exam, we bonded more and more and in that alley way I confessed my love to you" I reach to my pocket " We've been in deep loved ever since and I want to take that love to another level"

I get on one knee and pull the ring box out

"Y/N Zoldyk,.. Will you..take my hand in marriage and spend the rest of your life with me..?" I ask smiling


I show a big smile and nod "Yes!"

Kurapika puts the ring on my middle finger

He stands up and I kiss him while everyone cheers

We break the kiss and some of the zodiacs walk to us and congratulate us

I run to Illumi and he hugs me tight

"You're all grown Y/N.." He says smiling

Illumi explains how they made the party just for the proposal and I look at him shocked and happy

I hear a thump At the door

I look at the door to see Mom and dad standing there

"I'll be right back.." I say to Kurapika and Illumi before quickly walking to the door

I look up at them

"What, have you come to humiliate me?..." I say looking at them sad and confused

Mother looks at me and begins to cry

She pulls me into a tight embrace


"I'm sorry!! I'm so sorry my baby!!" She shouts

I hug her back

We both stop hugging each other and I look at dad

"Why..why did you leave me to die, .... With Netero..?" I ask

"I'm sorry...please forgive me..."

I hug him

"Your my father... Why wouldn't I..."

"Do you guys...wanna meet him?" I say showing a nervous smile

Mother nods and I let them in

"Kurapika! Come here!" I shout

He walks over

"These are my...parents.." I say

"Hello, I'm Kurapika Kurta.." He says smiling

"Very nice to meet you, Kurapika" Mother and father say at the same time


Hey guys!!!

I am adding only two more chapters :(


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