part 15: Meeting with Netero

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I walk down the side walk heading to a subway

I find the one that goes to York New City

I hop on and find a seat

I open my book and read until..

"Y/N? Is that you?" I hear a familiar voice say

I look up to see my older Brother Illumi and Hisoka

"..Just my fucking luck.." I whisper to myself

"Language Y/N" I hear someone say as they get on

"Chrollo, Illumi, Hisoka, What the hell why are you guys here?!" I say

Next stop, York New City

I sit back in relieve

The train stops and I quickly get off

I sprint out of the place

I then call a uber and wait

15 minutes later----

My uber arrives and I get in

"Hunters Head Quarters please" I say

The woman nods and starts driving


I have to meet with Netero so I will arrive at the mansion tomorrow


Y/N 👹❤
So what did you mean at the park?

You'll see soon

Y/N 👹❤
Uhh ok

I get out of the uber and pay the woman before walking inside

"Hello, I'm here because Chairman Netero requested me" I say to the man at the front desk

"Ah yes, Y/N Zoldyk, follow me" the short green guy says

We walk to a elevator and head to the top floor

We walk in

"Y/N please sit" Netero says

I nod and do as so

"You are here because you actually passed the hunters exam" He says

"wait but I was disqualified" I say confused

"Well, we were going to give you another chance but you left right after your match" Netero says

He hands me a hunters license

I look at it shocked

"T-Thank you!" I say standing up and bowing

"Please sit, there is no reason to thank me you earned it" He says

I sit back down

"We've seen how strong you are and would like to test you to see if maybe you are the same level as the zodiacs, or even capable to be one.." He says in a serious voice

"You will be put up against whoever you'd like from the Zodiacs  Sometime around next week" He says

"I'll be glad to "

"Who are you interested in fighting?"

"Ging Freecs" I say almost instantly

"Ok we will have it set up"

I nod "You can leave now" Netero says with a smile

I get up and bow

"Thank you again" I say before walking to the elevator. I go down to the first floor and leave

I walk to a small cafe

"Y/N!" I hear someone from behind me shout before I get hugged

I turn around to see Leorio

"Hey Leorio" I say

He lets go

We walk to a table and sit

"So how's it been? " he asks

"Its been shitty "

"Why what happened?" He asks in a worried tone

"..I found a set of scarlet eyes..." I whisper

"what was that?"

"I found a pair of scarlet eyes" I say looking down

Leorio puts his arm on my shoulder and comforts me

"Anything else?" He asks

"I got a hunters license from Netero , but I have to fight Ging Freecs to see if I'm capable of being part of the Zodiacs.."

I say doing the finger tap

"Wait... Ging Freecs as in The  Freecs?! Like Gon's dad?!" He says

"Yea.. The Ging Freecs, He's also a zodiac..." I say

After Leorio going crazy

"I gotta go, me and Kurapika have a job interveiw"

"What job is it?" Leorio asks

"A body guard for a organ collector"

"K well bye kiddo "

"Stop calling me that I will be your age in a couple weeks!" I shout
(You and Kurapika are both 18 rn)
(Leorio is 19)

I give him a hug and I leave

I use ground speed and run to the Mansion without losing my breath

I walk to the gate

"Y/N Zoldyk, I am here on behalf of the Body Guard job" I say

The gate opens and I walk to the front door

I walk in and I'm escorted to the room to see everyone scattered and fighting people

I use en

I see who are puppets and quickly kill them with my slow walk technique

I sit on a couch as everyone fights the real guys

"No need I killed all of the fakes!" I shout turning off EN

Everyone stops and looks at me

Hey!! Ty so much for 75 Reads!!!


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