The Hotel ;-) (jk jk)

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I walk up to the hotel and see Kurapika in the lobby

"Kurapika, why didn't you get a room?" I ask

"I wanted to wait for you" he says closing a book

I nod

"By the way- what's that on your shirt and hand " he says pointing at me

"Uh.. I got into a small fight?.." I say

"Are you ok?" He asks

"Mhm! A ok! " I say

We walk to the counter

"Hello, Name please"

"Y/N Zoldyk" I say

The woman shivers a little

"H-Heres your room card" she says handing me a card

Me and Kurapika walk to the room

I unlock the door and walk in and there's one bed and a couch

"I-I'll take the couch " Kurapika says

"Its fine, I don't sleep as much at night so I'll probably be awake" I say

"Are you sure?"

I nod and put my stuff on the couch

"I'm gonna go to the desk and get a bag for my arm then imma shower" I say

Kurapika nods and I walk out of the room

I go to the desk and grab a bag

I head back to the room and walk to the shower

I walk in and lock the door


I get dressed (Just your over shirt and shorts )

I walk out of the bath room

Kurapika is sitting on the couch in his sweat pants and shirt (not the dress thing)

"I'm going to go to sleep, are you sure you don't want the bed?" Kurapika asks

"I'm sure" I say

I turn on the desk lamp

I take out a note book and begin sketching the group

Hours later

I finish the drawing but my eyes get super heavy

The next thing I know, I'm knocked out sleeping at my desk

Kurapika's POV

I wake up and realise Y/N is asleep

I walk to her and looked at her paper

I pick up the drawing 

I put the picture down and realise she's asleep

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I put the picture down and realise she's asleep

I pick her up bridal style and laid her on the bed

Without thinking I get in bed too and fall asleep

-- (morning)


I wake up to Kurapika holding me fast asleep

I slip out of his arms and head to the bathroom to change while blushing

I walk out of the bathroom to see Kurapika reading a book

"Good morning Y/N, today I have to leave to my job" Kurapika says closing his book

"I do too" I say

"If I may ask, what is your job?" He asks

"I am a body guard for a organ collector" I say

"Wait, Me too." Kurapika says confused

"Do you have the card?" I ask

He nods and shows me the card

"I guess we have the same job" I say grabbing my stuff

I put my boot heels on and put all my defeaters daggers and my gun in

Kurapika puts his over dress thing on and his shoes

"Lets go" I say

"Its only 10 we have to be there at 12" -Kurapika

"I know, I want to do something" I say ( ;-)  JK)

We leave and get in a taxi

"To The New Park please" I say

I take my book out and read

"What Ever Happened to Marie, Didn't think you were into those kind of books" Kurapika says looking over my shoulder

I smile and snatch his bag

"Didn't think you were into it either " I say teasingly

"We're here" the driver says

We get out and I pay him


Hiya! I've been trying to get to the more juicy parts sry!!


(607 Words)

The Hidden Zoldyk (Kurapika x F!Y/N Zoldyk)Where stories live. Discover now