22: The Dance of The Dead

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(This is part of the 'not In the show section')

We sit in the meeting room waiting until..

"Hiya guys!!!" Boss walks in with the new head body guard smiling

"Kurapika, Y/N, and Melody, you guys have a mission!!! Follow us!" Neon says happily

We stand up and follow her out of the room

They explain our mission and The Dance of The Dead (A ballroom dance confined of nen which kills anyone within a 10 meter radius )

"We are leaving in 3 hours, return to your designated rooms and get ready, and wear your most formal clothes!" The head body guard says

Me and Melody walk to our shared room

"What dress are you going to wear?" Melody asks

"I'll show you real quick" I say going into my closet

I grab out a beautiful blue dress and show it to her

"It looks beautiful!!" She says making a big smile

"I'm going to go put it on real quick" I say walking to the bathroom (in your guys room)

I tie the last tie and look at the mirror

I tie the last tie and look at the mirror

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(That's how your dress and hair is)

I smile and walk out of the bathroom

"Wow! You look amazing!" Melody says



I walk to the door and open it


"Its time to leave " Kurapika says

I nod and Melody Kurapika and I walk down stairs

"There is a car outside for you three , everyone will be on stand bye around the building, don't forget the objective, Take all their hearts " He says

We nod and walk to the car

"Do you guys all have the hidden weapons?" I ask getting in the passengers seat


We arrive and get out of the car

"I'm kinda excited! I haven't used this move since I was 12!" I say happily looking at Kurapika and Melody who look very nervous

We walk inside and head to a couch

"Kurapika, I'm going to look you in the eyes, do the same to me, I am Giving  you a memory  wave " I say

He nods and I cup his face looking him in the eyes

My eyes flash black and gray

--Vision flash-- (Kurapika POV)

I watch two people dance and feel as if I know the whole thing

(Ur pov)

I wait for Kurapika to snap out of it after ending the flash

"Woah! I feel like I know the whole dance" Kurapika says looking at me


I look at my phone

"Its go time" I say standing up

calm Music plays and everyone starts slow dancing

Melody leaves the building and me and Kurapika walk to the dance floor

We take a deep breath and begging the dance while activating our nen

We dance around the room watching bodies drop left and right

Everyone lies dead but one, a 15 year old looking girl near a door which looked to go to some sort of basement

I turn of my nen . Kurapika sees almost everyone dead and does the same

I release myself from him and walk to the girl

"Hello? I'm Y/N...were did you come from" I say in a slightly serious voice

"T-This is my house.." The little girl says looking at me in confusion

I examine the girl which has large bruises and multiple bandages on her body  and ...two scars , one on her neck and one on her chest which looked very similar to my defeater and Hisoka's card and is wearing a long sleeve dip down shirt and leggings

"Wait..., were you at heavens arena when you got those scars..?" I ask wide eyed

"Uhm, yes? How did you know?..."

"I think I was the one who was fighting and brought you to the hospital.." I say realising


Hey!!! Its Mika🎻 , Jean☺ is getting lazy with this story so I'm fine finishing it!
Next will skip to yalls proposal

~Mika🎻.   (657 words)

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