21: Hospital

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Killua's POV)

I follow the doctors into a huge room with two beds

They take Gon straight to surgery

I walk to Y/n's bed while doctors start stitching her up

'...Will she be..ok..?" I ask holding back tears

"We don't know a definite answer, the burns are bad and she has large injuries around the heart" He says

The minutes begins beeping rapidly and they quickly get her out of the room

I sit in the room

I call Kurapika

I'm not at the phone right now call back if its important

I call back fast


"Get to (--) Hospital now! Gon and Y/N are in surgury,...they both may not....survive.." I begging tearing up

"On my way!"

He hangs up and I call Leorio

"Heyo, what do you need kiddo?"

"Y-Y/N...and Gon....."

"what about them?"

"They're in surgery....they have a big chance of....dying.." I say


"Just get to (--) hospital.." I say hanging up

I walk outside for fresh air

"Are you a friend of Gon Freecs ?!" "Were you involved in the Ant attack!?" "What happened at the huge fight!?" "Did you win!?" Reporters shout

"That's Killua Zoldyk!!!" A random reporter yells getting even more to surround me

"My sister, Y/N Zoldyk and best friend, Gon Freecs are on life support right now ,now leave us the fuck alone or I'll kill you all"

"What can a little kid like you do!?" A fat guy asks from the crowd

"You wanna see old hag"

"Bring it"

He walks to me and punches me

I sharper my nails and cut through him cutting out his heart

"Don't you all get it Killua Zoldyk I'm A Zoldyk I obviously can kill you all, now leave!" I shout

The reporters run and I walk back inside to Gon and Y/N's room

Kurapika walks in and I sit up

"Hey..." He says

"H-Hey......Kurapika can I ask you something?.."

He nods

"What if...they ...pass on....and don't make it..."

"They won't,... They're both strong and I know they'll survive..."

I nod and lay down again
"Mr.Zoldyk, sir?" A women asks

"yes?" I ask looking up at the nurse

" Y/N is awake now, would you like us to wheel her here?"

I nod


I look around as the nurses wheel my bed into a room

"Y/N!!" Multiple people yell

I look around to see Killua, Kurapika, Bisky , Hisoka, Leorio, Illumi, Knuckle, Morel, Knov, Palm, and Shoot all scrambled in the room

The Hidden Zoldyk (Kurapika x F!Y/N Zoldyk)Where stories live. Discover now