part 14 Hanging out and the quest for the eyes

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Kurapika follows me and I walk to a field

"Since you van only use your gains on the troupe, I want you to try them on me, I wanna see how strong they are" I say

He nods

"Pretend I'm, Chrollo" I say

I pretend charge and he uses the chain hold

I try to break out but it grips tighter

"Impressive ~" I say as he releases me

I signal him to follow me

We walk to the play ground

I go on a swing and he goes on the one next to me

"Why are we on the swings?" He asks

"Idk to talk?" I say

"Soooooo, uh, what kind of things do you like in people?" I ask

"Well, people kinda like you, They're nice energetic and outgoing " He says

I nod "Well I meant by Like like as in crush"

"I know" He says making me blush

I look at my phone

"We gotta go now" I say

Time skipppp---

We walk into the Mansion and are escorted to a room with a couple people

A guy hands us a small list

You must get at least one of these items by Wednesday (its Monday)

Another time skip to leaving 👁💧👄💧👁

"Well I hope we all get alo-"

"..I'm not here to make friends.." I say cutting Melody off

"Bye Kurapika" I say hugging him

"...I know where two scarlet eyes are..." I whisper before walking off

I Walk to a dealers shop near by

I walk in

"Hey princess, how may I help?" A guy asks

"Scarlet eyes One set" I say emotionless

The guy brings it to the counter

" 4 Milli- "

"Give it to me now" I say pointing my gun at him

He doesn't

I shoot the guy took the eyes and ran

I run to a nearby alley

I grab a jar and put one eye and some of the water in it and left the other in the other jar

I place them in my bag

Kurapika👹✨❤ *1 Message

I open the text

What do you mean you know where the eyes are?!

Meet me at the park from earlier...


I run to the park

Kurapika POV

I walk to the park --

I run to Y/N who seems as if she witnessed something


I tear up

"I-I found them.. I thought they were fake but-" I get cut off by Kurapika hugging me

"Don't cry.." He says

A couple minutes later

I hand him A jar with the eye

His eyes turn scarlet

"I-I am sorry " I say

"I have to go.." I say before walking back to the alleys

I use ground speed and get to the mansion within seconds

I ring the buzzer

"Hello, It's Y/N Zoldyk, I have retrieved the Item I needed" I say

The gates open and I walk through where a couple dozen dogs are sleeping

I get escorted to the room from before

I sit down and a man walks in

"Hello, what item have you received of the 8 (I think)" He asks

"I have retrieved a scarlet eye" I say taking out a jar with a scarlet eye

The man takes it and leaves

Ring Ring Ring Ring

"Hello?" I answer the phone

"Hello, Is this Y/N Zoldyk?" A high pitched voice says

"Yes, this is her. What do you need?"

"Chairman Netero requests you to come to his office for a very important matter" The person on the other line says

"Ok, I will be there." I say

I hang up

"Hey! I know there's A camera, I need to leave to Chairman Netero for a important matter can y'all let me out, Ill probably be back tomorrow" I say

The man from before comes and brings me to the front gate


Hey! Imma stop writing the word count cause its annoying 👁💧👄💧👁


The Hidden Zoldyk (Kurapika x F!Y/N Zoldyk)Where stories live. Discover now