part 3: Reuniting with your scarlet eyed friend

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(we were still walking and in the front)
We stop and I run to him and pull him into a tight embrace while wiping my eyes

After calming down and now jogging

"Well, I tried to save your clan but almost got killed and suffered serious damge..." I say ending the story
"Oh.. I'm sorry.." Kurapika says

"No its fine. I only have scars now" I say pulling down my over shirt showing a long scar trying not to show a certain tattoo

Shit I almost showed the spider tattoo...

Time skip------------

I kill a pig and drag it back to my stand

I chop up the meat and  cook it

I add vegetables and spices

I smile at my work and bring it to the Examiner

They both eat it with a emotionless face

"this-this is...."
"AMAZING" The examiner shouts
"YOU PASS!!!" She shouts and I jump excitedly

Hour later-----

I sit with Netero as everyone jumps up with eggs in their hands

"Y/N Zoldyk am I right?" He says loudly at the exact same time everyone gets back

My eyes widen as everybody looks at me and then the chair man

"y-yeah that's me.." I say hiding my face

(eyes are black in embarrassment)

I calm down and look at him

"what do you need sir" I ask as my eyes go back to Smokey gray

"on the ship I would like to have a chat"

I nod

"Y/N-CHAN DID YOU SEE ME!!! " Gon shouts with a huge smile on his face as her jumps into my arms

I smile but then

Future memory flash-------

I sob holding Killua on my back and Gon in my arms bridal style limping making my way to where Knov's escape portal trying to get away from the fight against Merouem and Chairman Netero

I look down at Gon.... Burnt up to skin and bone and stop

I start breathing heavily thinking he's dead
I make my way to a tree because I get really tiered...

Killua wakes but is very weak

I sit with crisp Gon still in my arms

"K-Killua...?" I ask with my eyes getting heavy

"Tell Alluka and ...k-kurapika... I-I  love...them..."

"W-What..?" Killua asks as he starts to cry
"I must ....fight"

Killua screams while sobbing trying to grab my arm

I rush into battle and help Netero

Future memory ends-------

"Y/N!! You there!?!?" Gon asks waving at my face

"Y/N y-your eyes..." Leorio and Gon point out

I feel my cheek and it wet

I look at Killua and hand signal him and walk to the side

"are you ok!" He asks
"I-I-  M-my power did a f-flashback...." I say still crying

"What happened?" He asks worridly

"G-Gon h-he-" I stare down with my eyes wide open

"He looked dead..." I whisper
"T-then you woke up a -and I ran into b-battle..." I say as I calm down

Killua's eyes had widened and he stood up

"lets just go..." He says and starts walking

Time skip to Neteros office-----

"what aplicants interest you?" He asks

"44(Hisoka) 99(Killua) 405(gon ) 287(Kurapika) and that needle guy (Illumi )"

"And who do you wish to fight"

"44 and illu- I mean the needle guy" I stutter

"and do you a interest in killing anyone here?"

"Number 16, Tompa And Pockle " I say with a serious face

"have you mastered nen"


"what nen type are you?" He asks tapping his fingers

"A specialist" I say

His eyes goes wide

"and what happened back at the egg gather"

"my power randomly gives me flash backs but from the future"

"And what was it about" he asks raising a eyebrow

"There had been a fight that you and I faught along side one another... 99 and 405 were there and 405... Looked dead.. But I rushed back into battle and then there was a huge flash.." I say looking down

"last question, would you like to play a game?" He asks

"umm sure?"

"go hang out ill come get you 99 and 405 when I'm ready" he says and I nodded

I walk to Gon and Killua

"hey.. " I say sitting next to Gon

"Hey Y/N!!"

We talk until it gets to our family

"So Y/N what about your family?" Gon asks

"Me and Killua's family are all assassins.." I say

"woah really!!" Gon asks

"that's really the first thing you say huh?" Killua asks

Couple minutes later----

"Well the only time I'm out is when Hiso-chan and my older brother sneak me out.." I say looking out the window

I feel eyes on my and turn my my en

"Oh are you ready Mr. Netero?" I ask turning around

"wha" Gon and Killua  say looking at me

"c'mon guys he has game we can play!" I say following Netero


Heyyy this is prob one of my longest chapters!

(words: 836)

~Jean ☺ 8P

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