Troupe meeting

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I get in a taxi and tell them to bring me to a store near the base

Machi's POV

"Hisoka and Y/N better show up this time "

"So you about me" Hisoka says walking in

"No?!" I yell

"Great, I swear if Y/N doesn't show up!" I shout


I walk up to the place and walk in

"AY BITCHES!!! 😝" I shout walking in with a huge smile

"Language! " Boss yells

"sorry sorry" I say

"Y/N babes what happened to you!!!" Machi yells

"My family, mostly my fat ass brother Milluki" I say

"LANGUAGE!" Boss yells even louder

I walk to Feitan

"Hey Fei" I say leaning on him (You're a lil taller)

"Hello" he says pushing me off

Ok I know I said I was only trying to kill the boss but- They feel like a family to me 😑👹

"Y/N... Next time trying to wear less revealing clothing" Boss says

"No offense Paku- But how come I can't wear this but she can have almost her whole chest showing" I say crossing my arms

"She's older" He says

"Yea and, I'm only 4 years younger than Shizuku " I say pouting

I jump up to the window I hang out at


Kurapika 👁💧👄💧👁
I'm at (--) hotel

Y/N ☺✨👹
Ok I'll text u when I am done


"Who's Kurapika Y/N ???" Machi says in a teasing way

"Uhh my friend? Why?" I say

"Boy or girl??" Machi asks

"He's indeed a boy~" Hisoka says

"How do you know?" Machi shouts

"I took the hunters exam with her and Kurapika ~"


"So he's your Boyfriend" Machi says teasing me again

"Wha- What?! NO! He's not my boyfriend!! He's my friend! " I shout as My eyes go black and I begging blushing

"Quiet! We will now start our meeting" Chrollo  Shouts

I jump down and sit in a squat like position on top of a rock

"So I've noticed you guys have been down lately so I put together a game. You have to get a item from this list , you can find them from here to York New city , Whoever arrives first wins and picks something we can do" Boss says throwing us paper

"I'm out people!" I shout running out of the place

I look at the list

1. A human eye

2. A all diamond ring from a famous person

3. A leg

4. One bible

What is it with him and bibles?

I find a guy on the street and reached into my boot

I shoot him and carve his eye and leg out

I shove it in a bag

"Well.. I'm famous and I have a all diamond ring so-"

I walk to a church near by and walk in

I take a bible and head back to the base

Hisoka sits there with a bag

Damn he got here first

Boss checks my stuff and I go to Hisoka's window

"Hiso-chan~~" I say sitting

"Wanna play a game of cards " I say

He nods and pulls his deck out

We play as the rest of the troupe arrives

"I win!" I shout with a huge smile

"Impressive ~" Hisoka says

I jump down from the window

"I gotta head out, Bye guys!" I shout

"Ooh, she's going to her boy friend" Feitan and Machi say teasingly

I throw a dagger at them both but they dodge it

I leave and walk through alleys

I make it to the hotel




(603 words)

The Hidden Zoldyk (Kurapika x F!Y/N Zoldyk)Where stories live. Discover now