20: The night I almost die

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"I'm sorry" I say slipping a necklace into Killua's pocket

That necklace had a voice recording that I made for if I had died

I kiss their foreheads and used ground speed

I got to the navel grounds
"I will check mate you humans in this battle" Meruem says

"I'll be sure to carve that on your grave" I say smirking

We all activate nen

(Killua's POV)

Gon walks in the castle and yells stuff

I stay back and click a button on the necklace

A small hologram appears

" If you seeing this, you were someone I deeply loved, meaning this I probably am dead or I probably did something that almost killed me..
Leorio, I know I'm always rude to you but..I want you to know that I basically saw you as a older brother you know?
Kurapika, I love you, you were my first lover...my first true love...

Killua, Lil bro never give up in achieving your dreams, don't go back to our family, make them beg! They don't deserve you... I love you, don't do anything stupid.." I feel a tear run down my face as I continue watching

"Gon, You are strong.. If I die I need you to fight through it! Don't cry over me! Strive through to your future!.. Make sure our small family stays as one..
Hisoka, You are like a brother to me..I love you
Alluka, You probably don't understand what happened but I want you to promise you'll live a long happy life lil sis!
Kalluto, Don't forget that me and Kil, we still love you, never think that we don't
Illumi, Thank you, you taught me my ways, everything, just..go easy on Kil, and try seeing how good of a person Alluka is

All of you...I love you and want you to live a long happy life... Thank you..

I want everything of mine to go to whoever wants it

Phantom Troupe, Thanks you for looking after me at times and for helping me throughout the years

Zodiacs, If I die today I want you you to never forget me as one of your fallen comrades and I want you to stay strong and to find a good replacement for me..

Good bye.." The hologram disappeared and I get up of anger and run into battle

(Y/N's POV)

We all charge Activating out nen causing a small nen explosion

(Your nen involves Lighting attack, ground speed, murder of the blossom, water attack, wind gush, and the snake which can all take one form; Mother Natures accomplice which looks like Netero's nen but a women and made from Emerald )

Meruem attacks me first and I use my snake attack on it making to nen snakes surround it making it unable to see past the snakes

He shoots another attack at me sending me flying into a huge rock

I stand up and charge spilling out all of my bloodlust and activating Mother Natures Accomplice

MNA (Mother Natures Accomplice) slams and hits Meruem around

We all fight sending hits ,blocking, and using nen until..

I couch blood and look down at my stomach

"..no...how..?" I say looking and Meruem's tail needle which pulls from my stomach

"Y/N you can leave, get help, or even help Gon and Killua"

The Hidden Zoldyk (Kurapika x F!Y/N Zoldyk)Where stories live. Discover now