part11: Meeting with Kurapika

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I walk to the train station and head to (--) city

After getting of the train I head to a agency

"Come in!" A lady shouts

I walk in and sit down

"So what kinda job you want?" She asks

"A body Guard or some sorta protecting job I guess" I say

"can you see what's next to me?"

"yes its a face " I say

She gives me a list

"The body collector" I say

"Ok, name?"

"Y/N Zoldyk" I say

"wait as in the assassin family!?" The women shouts

"Y-yes" I say

"Can you show me the tattoo?" She asks

I sigh and take off my corset

I put it back on and tightened it

"You must go to this location on this date" she says handing me a card
I nod and walk through the rain

I see Kurapika and smirk

I use ground speed to take his phone and hunters licence I follow him and jump to a tree

I quickly pop down from it hanging upside down

"missing these" I say pulling his stuff out

"Y/N!? How did you-"

"✨Magic✨" I say throwing the stuff to him

"You haven't passed the exam yet" I say

"What!? But I took the exam and have my hunters licence!" He shouts

"I can help you pass- AH!!" I shout falling from the tree

"Are you ok?" Kurapika asks helping me up


"So any ways I'll help you pass "

"what do I even need to know?"

"Nen" I say


I set up two cups and each have a leaf

I walk to him

"First, I want you to close your eyes, imagine water any type" I say

He does as so

"Now focus all of your energy out of your body"

He does so

"Goodie Goodie! Now you know what Ten is"

"It can help you take less damage in battle" I  say

" Come here "I say sitting by a stone with the two cups

" Put your hands like this around the cup and do what you did a second ago" I say and he does

The leaf moves

"A manipulator.. Nice!" I say
"I want to test A theory, what's something that gets you mad" I ask

"Phantom Troupe " he says almost instantly

"Well I was lying and helped kill your clan" I say and his eyes turn scarlet red

"Quick! Do the cup thing on the other cup"

He does it and the leaf crumbles

"So I was right, oh- I was lying I didn't do that" I say

"Oh- and when your eyes turn scarlet you're A specialist which makes you much more powerful " I say

"What nen type are you?" He asks me

"Specialist but I mastered nature powers" I say smiling


A couple days later))

"So yo know everything you need" I say

"U-um would you like to stay together until we meet up with the others?" Kurapika asks

"sure, but uh I have to tell you something..." I say checking my phone fast

"Go on.." Kurapika says

"The troupe wants me to be at a meeting, you already know I'm trying to kill the boss but if I'm not there they'll probably come looking for me cause I missed the last 3months .." I say

"Ok.. I'll wait at a hotel for you.." Kurapika says as his eyes go from scarlet to normal

I nod and Begin walking





(596 words)

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