Part 10: (FULL)

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"Surrender" I whisper

Hisoka's eyes go to the same color as mine and he says;

"I surrender"

The crowd screams and boo's as his eyes go normal

"AND THE WINNER IS Y/N!!!" The announcer yells

I take the Mic

I hear screaming in the crowd but not good ones

"Did anyone get hit with  a dagger or card?" I ask

I hear a lot of people say yes and I climb up to the stands and run to the comotion

I see a young girl about 14 with a card in her arm and a dagger in her chest

"MOVE" I yell grabbing the girl

I quickly get her to the arena

"Hisoka gonna one of your texture surprise cloths " I say

He throws it to me and I rip it

I take the card and dagger out and put cloth on both Wounds

The announcer takes the girl

"If we fight again we would make sure there's no kids" I say

I leave the arena and walk to a lounge

"Y/N!" Gon and Killua yell as Gon jumps on me

I wince

"Oh sorry, I forgot" he says getting off of me

I nod

"I'm sorry guys but soon I'm going off on my own to find someone to teach nen to" I say

"You can teach us!" Gon shouts

"Baka did you forget about Mr. Wing" Killua says hitting his head

I laugh

"Well do you guys wanna hang out?" I say


In the taxi --------

"To the amusement park please" I say

The taxi driver goes and we arrive

I hand him Jenny and walk in with Gon and Killua

"Hello, welcome to the carnival, We have a hunters discount for free we just need to see your cards " a man says

Killua and Gon show theirs and I show my "real" one

We walk to a bench

"Y/N I thought you failed the exam though" Gon says

"Its a fake card " I say smirking

We walk to a roller coaster and get on


I walk Gon and Killua to the so called 'Mr wing's' house

They knock on the door

"Hello? Oh Gon, Killua, and you are?" Wing asks pointing at me

"I am Y/N Zoldyk, Killua's older sister" I say giving him a quick bow

"Oh, would you like to come in?" He asks
"Sure" I say

"so what stage of Nen are they learning?" I ask sitting down

"I was going to teach them Gyo today" He says

"May I help? I also like to teach nen" I say

"sure, by the way, what nen type are you?" Wing asks

"I'm a specialist" I say

Wing shows them how to use Gyo

"Gon Killua" I say as they look at me

"what number can you see using Gyo?" I ask pointing my finger making a 8 from nen

"8!" Gon shouts

"Killua you were a little slow on that one, how about we make it a game?" I say

"Zushi would you like to join" I ask

"sure!" He shouts

The three boys sit in a circle and I make nen figures and they call them out

"well, I gotta go, bye Gon, Killua" I say kneeling down giving them a hug

"Alluka has your number on a phone I gave her" I whisper to Killua

I pat Zushi's head and wave bye to wing before leaving


I'm heading out

Ok..don't get killed dumbass;-)


(589 words)

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