7: Skip to 5th phase

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(Fifth phase)

I stand at the end of the line with Killua next to me and Hisoka insulated in a corner not far

The first few fights start and all I do is sit and watch

"Next up! Gon Versus Hanzo! BEGIN!!" The announcer shouts (I think that's the bald guys name)

Gon charges but Baldy dodges and hits him

"Surrender !!!" Hanzo screams at Gon

"Surrender while you can weakling!!!!" He shouts again

Gon continues to attack and the fight goes on

Hanzo breaks Gon's left arm

"...I've now got 576 ways to kill you..." I whisper a little to loud while I accidentally spill out a little blood lust

(Time skip braught to you by Kurapika's chains)

"..Killua don't bother holding me back...." I say as my eyes are a smoke black color
I attempt to charge but Hisoka is the one holding me back

"Don't, he's here~" He whispers to me referring to Illumi

I back up as they let go of me

Hanzo pulls a sword out and puts it to Gon's head making him bleed

"...now that's 629 ways to kill you..." I whisper again

He continues to attack Gon throwing insults at him

"That's 678, now 685" I say glaring at Hanzo


"Now that's it! 700 ways to kill you you still wanna stay in the fight Hanzo!?" I shout

They keep going at it

"Fine I give Up!" Hanzo shouts

"Ill never make you surrender!!" He shouts

After Gon argues it gets to my match

"Hisoka Morrow VS Y/N Zoldyk!!! BEGIN!" The announcer shouts

I pull out small circle like daggers that have no handles

(basically a flat sharp circle)

"Ladies first~" he says

I attack throwing my  defeaters (that's the name of them)

Hisoka then attacks using cards

We use nen and move much faster than any other

Killua's POV

I try to focus on one person but can't due to cards and Y/Ns defeaters flying around everywhere


I pull a normal dagger out from my corset and stab Hisoka in the shoulder and side before Kicking him in the face

Hisoka grabs my foot slamming me to the ground

I get up and back away from him

He starts walking to the middle and stops with his hands on his hips

I use my slow walk move and make my nails long

I go around and manage to cut his corset in half making it fall to the ground

'good now he's less protected' I say

I get behind him and repeatedly scratched him and stabbed him using ground speed making him not able to see exactly where I am

He attacks and I dodge

"Lightning bolt" I whisper as a nen lightning bolt looking weapon stabs through his stomach making him cough a little blood

"Impressive" he says quickly pointing at me

I use Gyo and See his bungee gum coming for me

"mirror" I whisper sending it at him making him punch himself

"I surrender I've had my fun" I say walking back to Killua

Some fights go by and it comes back to me again

"Griturrakar VS Y/N Zoldyk!! BEGIN!!" The announcer shouts

He begins taking his needles out and I stand there shocked forgetting that I knew about him

"Oh Y/N... You can't escape from me" Illumi says

"FUCK OFF!!" I shout

"Assassins can't have friends" he says

"If you don't surender and return home I guess I'll have to kill Kurapika"

I stand there shocked

"How would you like it if I killed Hisoka!?" I shout

"Ok then I'll kill Gon too along with Leorio and maybe even Alluka" he says walking to me

I stand with my eyes wide and black

He puts his hand on my head rubbing my forehead with his thumb

I feel a small sting in my forehead but ignore it

"Y/N surrender or I'll kill all five of them" he says as he takes his hand of my hand

"I-I surrender" I say walking to Killua

My eyes flash from black to gray and It goes black

Killua's POV

Y/N's eyes flash from gray to black and then stay black

Leorio's fight starts and she begins walking to Hanzo

She rips his heart out and my eyes widen

"Y/N ZOLDYK DISQUALIFIED " The announcer yells as she whispers something to a guard

I run to follow her as she leaves

"She said not to follow her" the guy says as I return to Kurapika


I begin walking home as my eyes turn normal


Hey!!! I switched yours and Killuas role for this one


(Words: 797)

The Hidden Zoldyk (Kurapika x F!Y/N Zoldyk)Where stories live. Discover now