Part4 : Playing a small game

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We all get up and follow Netero to the gym

Netero explains the game while I stretch

"Can I use nen?" I ask as Gon looks at me confused

Gon and Killua charge at him while I stand there
"Killua, Gon back up" I say but they refuse

I let some of my blood lust spill out which makes me faster

I use my walking method and surround Netero

Killua jumps to a corner of the roof like a cat and Gon jumps back a little

I charge almost getting the ball but I fall foward on my face

"ow.." I say getting up stopping my blood lust

Killua jumps down and I use ground speed attacking every time I get flung

After a lot of attempts I get flung to the window and fall landing on my middle finger breaking it (left hand if ur a righty right hand if lefty)

I get up with out pain

"You three can take a break" Netero says
I walk to a corner and take my over shirt off showing only a sports bra and corset

I stand in the corner looking at my broken finger

I walk to the middle of the room and stretch

I charge when Netero wasn't looking and grabbed the ball from him and hopped away but in a split second he snatches it back

"ITS IMPOSSIBLE !!!!IM GOING TO BED!!" I yell grabbing my stuff and putting my shirt on

I walk towards a empty room

I pickup my phone and dial a number

"hello" a girls voice says

"Hey Machi" I say

"If I teleport you here could you maybe fix me up" I ask closing the door

"sure thing"

I teleport Machi to me

She stiches up my hand and wraps it

"keep that on for what like a month" Machine says
I hug her and teleport her back

I walk to the infermery To get bandaged better

They put a brace! Like wth it wasn't even that bad!

I walk to the resting room and sit with Leorio and Kurapika

"hey Leorio, Kurapika" I say sitting in the small bed placed next to the two they were on

"imma go to bed is there any way one of you can untie my corset?" I ask

"sure" Kurapika says as Leorio just stares

He unties it and it shows a small tattoo with a z on it On my back (not front)


"wait a minute is that the Zoldyk family tattoo Y/N" he asks

"yes it is, Killua has it too, all though we wish we didn't and weren't in the family sadly we are.." I say as I go to my bed putting my corset and bag under my pillow

Your dream------(in the future again)

Netero has sacrificed himself and I was very burned

I find a way to get out of the huge hole
"HELP ME!!!!" I scream hoping someone can

The Hidden Zoldyk (Kurapika x F!Y/N Zoldyk)Where stories live. Discover now