Part 8 : consequence

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I walk up the path to the gate and the front guy greets me

"Greetings young-master Y/N" He says

"Hey.." I say

"If I may ask, what happened, how did you receive those injuries" he asks

"a small fight" I say opening the gates

"LOOK ITS A ZOLDYK!!!" Tourists shout holding camera's

I flip them off and kept walking opening the other gates as they slam behind me

I walk to the butlers quarters

"Hello Master Y/N " The head butler says

I nod

"I need to see Canare " I say

"At your service Master" she says bowing

"If Killua and three people come tell them I do not wish to see them" I say leaving

I walk to the estate looking at my phone

(you're texts)

Y/N what happened?

Y/N come back!

I'm fine guys, please don't come after me


I text knowing they won't listen

I make it the the house and walk in

I get grabbed by my mother and dragged to the dungeon I get chained and the take my corset off for some reason

Milluki comes in the room with torturing weapons

----- (hour later)

"Milluki please....stop.." I say spitting blood

"That's what you get for stabbing mama!!" He shouts whipping me again

"You and Kill should suffer!" He yells hitting me again

"This is why you're weak and couldn't kill-"

"Don't you fucking dare talk about the incident" I say cutting him off

"why should I listen to you when you couldn't even save your friend who're now dead" Milluki says

"T-they're d-dead?..." I ask as my eyes go black

Tears begin to form in my eyes

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Tears begin to form in my eyes

"HAH TRICKED YOU!!" Milluki while laughing

"Lightning rod.." I whisper

Milluki gets Knocked out from my nen and I break the chains

I put my sweater on and walk to fathers office

'Knock, knock, knock'
I get let in and I sit down

After talking for a bit

"We've never had a real father daughter chat before, why don't you tell me about the exam?" Father asks

I smile and nod

"Well for the first phase I rode my skateboard for a while but then I found Kurapika, remember him?" I ask

"Yes yes, Kurapika, the one that you used to run off with when you were younger, am I right?"

"Yes, yes, him!" I say happily

"For the first phase we ran for about 6 hours" I say

Father nods

"Then for the second phase we ran through a forest full of monsters and I got eaten by a huge frog, it ended up spitting me Kill and our friend Gon"

"Then for the Third phase I had to catch kill and cook a huge pig, and Zit came out really good, I was the only one to pass that part but then chairman Netero came and everyone else had to make eggs while me and him talked" I say

"but after I had one of my future episodes, it was about my friend Gon...,"

"what was it about" he asks in a concerning voice

"I was carrying Killua who was unconscious and Gon who was skin and bone, I sat at a tree and Killua woke and took Gon, I told him something and ran back to battle which was alongside Netero but then there was a huge flash" I say

"Interesting, did you have another one ?"

"yes, but it was a dream.."

"And what happened in this so called 'dream'?" He asks

"I had been very injured and made my way out of the explosion site and I saw you and Grandpa so yelled out to you and I can see the smoke rose thing I guess Netero had sacrificed himself but then Killua woke me up"I say shrugging

" Then we made it to trick tower, first we had to fight prisoners and then went on to a holding room for 5 days but then Kurapika saw my spider tattoo "

"Wait spider tattoo?" Father asks

"Oh yeah about that..O3O.. Illumi used to sneak me out and I joined the Phantom Troupe to kill them off..O3O" I say

"Anyways, we attacked me, that's how I got some of my injuries "I say pointing at scars and bruises

After telling him about the exam--

" I'm sorry Y/N but you have to return to Alluka.." He says trying not to make eye contact




(words : 744)

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