19: The battle against the uncanny beings

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(This is when Netero Knov and  The smoke guy and others are planing in side of the portal thing)

"Y/N are you ok with fighting along side Netero"

"Yeah" I say slightly hesitant

Ring~ Ring~

I answer my phone


"Y/N? Are you guys going in?" Kurapika asks

"Yes , kinda nervous not gonna lie" I say walking to a corner

"Promise me you'll be able to come home.."

"I promise.." I say looking down

"You got this...I love you.."

"I love you to I gotta go" I say looking at Knov who is waving me to him

"bye.." He says


He hangs up the phone and I go to the group

"I love you to" Morel and Killua tease

I roll my eyes and sit

"Shoot Gon Killua Morel Knuckle and I will be heading in to the royal guards " Knov says

I get a ping on my phone

"Its Netero ,.. Good luck guys.." I say before hesitantly leaving

I meet with Netero and Grandpa

"We will use are Dragon attack, Y/N  You will influence you lighting attacks into it to make it strong enough to kill the king" Netero says

I nod

We wait about 20 minutes

(in this I'm only doing your POV bc we already see what happens w everyone else☺)

Netero give sus the signal and we all activate the needed nen

The nen forms into a dragon and shoots out strong nen bullets all over the castle

We make it to the ground safely

"I've done my work I'm leaving" Zeno says before walking off 

Me and Netero begin walking to where the so called 'king' is

We walk into a room where we see a little girl the king and Pitou

We get ready to fight

"Not here, please" Pitou begs

We give in and being walking

"Y/N we are going to the navel grounds, you may say goodbyes in case.." Netero says

I look over at Gon and Killua as tears being forming

I walk to them fast and pull them both into a tight embrace

"There's a 60% chance I'll die... " I say

I let them go too see them staring at me shocked and angry

"I-If I do I want you two, Kurapika, Leorio, and Alluka I love them.." I say

I give them a kiss on the forehead

"I'm sorry..."

I wipe my tears and use ground speed to get to the navel grounds within seconds


I KNOW THIS IS SHORT!!! The next one will be super long (😏 )

~Mika🎻 (Jean will return on Monday )

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