16: a very important chapter;-)

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Everyone stops and stares at me

"How do you know that!?" A guys asks

"..She's not lying" A girl named Melody says

"..Her heart beat is calm "

Everyone stops

"Good job on figuring out!!" A guy says walking in

Everyone sits near me and Kurapika sits next to me

"I want all of you to turn in you items besides Y/N who got the Scarlet Eyes" the guy says

"Ill tell you later but just don't worry" I whisper to Kurapika giving him a warm smile

He nods

I watch as everyone brings their items up

"You've all passed , Follow me so you can meet boss" The man says
We do as so and walk up the grand stairs . We make in to a room with open doors to see a 13 ish girl surrounded by maids

She looks at me and her eyes widen and her jaw drops . She runs to me

"Oh. My God.! You're hair is awesome!!" She says

"Thank you" I say giving her a warm smile

We walk back downstairs to the first room we were in

"You all will be given a month break before you have to come back for the Auction in York New City" He says

He gives us a small work phone and we all leave

Me and Kurapika walk through a alley when he stops me

"Y/N...I have to confess something.." He says as he becomes a blushing mess

"Go on..?" I say confused

"I-I really like you, Like Like  you.." He says

'OMG OMG YESSSSSSS' I think as I blush a lot

"W-well I've felt the same about you since we were little.. Heh" I say nervously

"So your ok with me doing this?" He says

"DoIng wh-" he cuts me off by kissing me

It takes a second but I kiss him back

We release and stare at each other blushing

"Does this mean were dating now?" He asks quietly

"Mhm, I guess" I say

We stay silent for a second until we here a man giggle

I quickly turn on En

"Leorio!?" I shout

"Are you fucking serious?!" I shout at him

He comes out from behind the dumpster and walks to us

Ring Ring ~ Bitch pick up your phone

I take my phone out as Kurapika and Leorio look at me

"Really? Hisoka's voice is your ring tone?" Leorio asks

I ignore him and answer the phone

"Hello?, Oh! Hey Netero" I say

"Hello Y/N, we arranged your fight against Ging for Tomorrow if your ok with that" he says

"Yes! Yes of course, where would the fight be though ?"

"Floor 200 at heavens arena at 2:00" he say

"Ok! I hope to see you then"

He hangs up

The Hidden Zoldyk (Kurapika x F!Y/N Zoldyk)Where stories live. Discover now