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"Wait what!?" I shout as my eyes turn black

"I'm truly sorry Y/N.." He says as I look at the door way

Mother stands there in anger I walk to her and she drags me down to the dungeon

She unlocks it and throws me in with Alluka

"Y/N!!" Alluka shouts

Mother leaves and locks the doors

"Big sister can you sing me a song like you used to?" Alluka asks

"sure" I say smiling

Killua's POV

We get inside and run to the room that you can watch Alluka and Y/N which also has a door to get in

Y/N's pov

Alluka lays in my lap

I sing while playing with her hair

Kurapika's POV

We watch as Y/N sings to her sister and I begin to feel a warm feeling to my face

We wait until she finishes and we all walk in


Everyone walks in

I look at Alluka and we both stand

I kneel down to her height

"Alluka.. I'm so sorry, me and Kill will get stronger and come rescue you soon I promise" I say

She gives me a huge hug and I slip something into her sweater pocket

"..I have everything added on there, use it when you feel lonely.." I whisper into her ear before getting up and leaving

We run to the front gate  and I push open the doors

We leave

After getting ready to part ways

"I'm going to go with Hisoka" I say and everyone's eyes shoot straight at me

"NO, You are not going with him he is a Pedophile !" Everyone shouts

"He is like a brother to me and anyways he's here to pick me up" I smirk pointing at a tree

"Dammit~ You're EN is quiet impressive Y/N" he says hanging upside down in a tree before jumping down

"We'll meet in York-New city September 11th don't forget" Kurapika says as we all part ways

"I see you also need a new corset" I say giggling pointing at Hisoka

"Yes indeed~ We'll stop at a store on the way to where we're heading " Hisoka says

"Race ya" I say sprinting towards town

At the shop

I reach it there seconds before Hisoka

"Hah! I win" I say as we both walk in

I walk over to the women's corsets and Hisoka walks to the mens

I pick out a black corset and walk to Hisoka

I hold in my laughter

'seriously a round corset HAH' I think to my self

"I need to get more cards and..other stuff" Hisoka says

I nod

"Imma get some other stuff to meet back in like 30 minutes" I say walking off

I get shorts and a new over shirt but still keeping the moon design

I also get fish net tights and new shoes

I go to a weapon shop and get a gun and more defeaters

I walk to the store Hisoka's in and wait for him

Time skip-----

We go up to our rooms (at Heavens Arena)

"I'll see ya when our fight starts" I say walking into my room

I walk into the bathroom and try my new outfit on

in the 'The one and only group' group chat

Hey guys!

Hey Y/N!


I got a new outfit that can hide my daggers and stuff and is more comfy ☺

Kill 😎💪❤
Can we see?


(Sorry im trying out diff drawing styles)

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(Sorry im trying out diff drawing styles)

It's nice but a bit revealing

Loosen up Kill anyways I have my battle against Hisoka soon


oh yea, I'm at heavens arena

Me and Killua are too!

Y'all wanna watch my fight?

Sure what floor?

Uhh 200th I think

Yea the 200th

K we'll see ya there


I check the time and put daggers and defeaters in my boots which have no bumps

I walk down to the arena and wait

"Y/N!!" I look over to see Gon and Killua running to me

"NOW ON, Y/N ZOLDYK!!.." The anouncer yells on the Mic and I walk in

People in the crowd cheer and scream and I walk to the middle of the arena

"NOW ON HISOKA MORROW!!!" The guy yells as Hisoka comes out

"do either of you have something you would like to say?" The guy asks

I nod and take the Mic

"Just a quick warning to all of you, keep your guard on because in a minute deadly sharp cards and circle daggers will be flying around the whole place, if not then I recommend leaving" I say handing the Mic to Hisoka

Hisoka shakes his head and hands it to the announcer

We begin the fight throwing cards and defeaters at each other dodging and throwing hits
I pull a dagger from my boot and use my slow walk move but instead I run



~Jean ☺

(words: 833)

The Hidden Zoldyk (Kurapika x F!Y/N Zoldyk)Where stories live. Discover now