Part four

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I sat on my bed for a while. I had no clue what to do now since I wasn't instructed to do anything. A little nap wouldn't hurt right? I lay my head down on my pillow. As I did Andy or as I should say, master barged through the door.
"Why aren't you doing your chores"
"I'm sorry sir. I didn't know when I had to start. I will start as soon as possible." I said trying not to be whooped.
"You better. The list is on your door. And don't fuck anything up" he growled
Why was this man so cruel. I got up and looked at the list. There was about 6 things to do. Do laundry, do the dishes, clean the bathroom, take out the trash, than clean his room. So I had to go in there. I don't feel safe being in that room of his. Who knows what I'd find in there.
I make my way through the home carrying a basket of laundry that was left out of andy's room. I have the free to call him andy in my mind. I go into the laundry room and throw is stuff in the washer. Well that was easy. Too easy.
I made my way to the kitchen and cleaned the minimum dishes that were stacked in a pile. With that, I finished the rest of my chores besides the last one.
I strolled along to his bedroom. I was stuck in between the decision of knocking or walking right in. To be on the safe side I knocked.
"Come in" I twisted the door nob and entered the room. It was spotless.
"Sir? I was told to clean your room but there is nothing to clean" I told him.
"Well I need you to do something for me and if I put that down instead u wouldn't be in here right now," I was worried. Why would I not be here?
"What would that be sir?"
"I need to feed" I stared at him blankly.
" Ah hell nah" I refused
"I was going to make this easy for you but since you back talked I'll make sure you feel pain." Before I could say sorry he had me pinned to the wall. I was struggling in his strong grip. He stroked my neck with his finger tips. He brought his face down and kissed my neck. He crossed the line. I was about to hit him when an aching pain spread through my body. His fangs seemed to sink deeper and deeper into my neck. I could feel the life being taken out of me in just seconds.
"Stop" I barley let out a breath. He kept going. My vision became blurry and my head was light headed. He finally pulled his fangs out. I could just barely see the smirk on his face. I knew I was not going to be able to stay awake for much longer. I was so tired. I let myself crash onto him and hold onto him in a hugging position. I must have caught him by surprise because he stiffened. After that, I drifted off into a sleep. Or possibly death.

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