Part 42

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Andy's pov

We didn't even have a plan. We had no clue how we were going to approach the building. We have been standing there for about 20 minutes trying to figure out how to do this. I can't believe we didn't even think about this before we came all the way down here. We were most likely asking for death since we don't have a freaking plan. 

"Well we could cause a distraction," Chris said. 

"Yeah sacrifice someones life to save Clary, sounds like a great idea." I said to Chris while I rolled my eyes. There was no way that I was going to let one of my best friends go out there and be a distraction just so I can get the one I love. I'm sorry. There is no way I could do that. "Why don't you be the distraction Chris? You used to work with these guys so why don't you just say you want to be back in. They wont think anything suspicious about that." I told him. If anyone was going to be a distraction, it should be him. I don't even know him so I don't care if he dies or not. 

"That could work, I like how you think Biersack," He kinda giggled when he said my last name. Wow so mature. "Get ready." He said. 

"What?" The guys and I said all together. 

Before he responded he walked out into the clearing towards the vampires. Man I really didn't like this guy. 

"We don't even know where she is going to be," CC said. "How are we going to find her," 

"I'll be able to find her," I said to CC confidently. I looked up and saw that Chris already had a crowd of vamps around him. "I think our best bet is to go around to the back." Everyone nodded at me. 

We silently made our way to the back of the building but we were still in the woods. We all had to make sure that we didn't step on any branches. I climbed up a tree to get a better view. There were a couple vampires in the back but we could definitely take them out. There was a door we could go through. I silently made my way back down the tree. 

"Ok, there are a few vamps but we can take them out. Just snap their necks, you don't need to kill them. Then we will go to the back door and I'll be able to sense where Clary is." I told the group.

"Woah you can do that?!? Thats so cool," Jake said. 

"Mhm, ok guys you ready?" 

"Yes!!" all of them said together.  

We slowly made our way out in the clearing. I kept my eyes on one of the vamps and made my way up to him. Before he could turn around and see me I jumped up and placed my hands on the top of his head and his chin and snapped his neck. He fell instantly. A rush of relief flew through me when I heard two more bodies hit the ground rather then screaming "INTRUDER". 

I wave to the guys to come forward. I carefully opened the door just to make sure it wouldn't screech. Now it's time to find Clary. 


Chris's Pov

"Guy's, I want to be back in." I told the Council members. 

"Why did you leave in the first place." Jack asked me.

"I was young and had mixed feelings. But I know what I want now."

"Clarissa get over here," Jack said into the crowd. 

A girl with auburn colored hair walked to me. Her eyes were all sorts of colors. They were magnificent. She had perfect posture and she looked so powerful. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I know who this is. This is the girl that Andy came back for. 

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