Part 41

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Andy's pov

"If you are asking me to come with you guys, I'm going to have to say no," Chris said as he propped his hands on the table.

"We are not asking you to come," I said to him with the Duh voice. " We just want to know how we can get there so we can get Clary back here."

He looked at all of us for a very long time. Then he took a big deep breath in. 

"You know if you guys go  there, there is a really big chance that you might not even come back. They have a lot of forces over there. I was lucky that I even got out of there." Chris said.

"Ok, but can you tell us what we need to know. How do we get there?" I demanded. 

"Whats so special about this Clary girl anyway?"

I was hesitant to tell him about her. What if that would make him want to get to know her more or..

"She's an original," Jinxx said. Mother fucker. 

"An original? I thought they eliminated all of those way back when."

"Well not Clary. She wasn't even born a vampire, she was human."  said CC very proud of our Clary.

Chris stood up and started to walk towards the door. "Well are you guys going to follow me or no?"

We all got up and rushed out of the door.


It was endless woods. I thought we were getting ourselves into a trap. I watched the way that Chris walked and it just gave me the heebie Jeebies. His  shoulders swayed back and forth. He walked so dangerously, so powerfully, I sound like a girl. But what I'm trying to say is that he seems like he is on a mission. A mission that he is definitely going to win or whatever. He glanced back at me for a quick second and smirked. He had that "I'm about to fuck your bitch" look on his face. 

My mind automatically flashed to Clarissa. My heart sank into my stomach. I miss her so much. I hope they didn't hurt my baby girl. 

"Are we almost there?" I asked eagerly. I need to get Clary out of there. 

"Soon enough,"  Chris grunted. He didn't seem like a very nice person. 

Just up ahead I could see a clearing. I think I also saw a building. 

"Is that it?" Jinxx whispered to Chris. All he did was nod his head. He didn't look thrilled that we were here. 

"Prepare for lots of reinforcements. We only have 6 men so we might die today." 

"And you couldn't tell us that before?" I ask him frustrated. 

"Are you kidding me. You thought you would be able to go into the Vampire Counsels building and be able to get Clary out of there safe and sound? You obviously don't have a lot of action in life."

I tried to forget what he said. I scanned the building. There were so many vampires. But I need to get Clary.

"I'm coming for you baby," I whisper.


Ok so this is unexceptional. I didn't update in over a month but when I do It's a dinky little chapter. But don't worry the next chapter will be so much better. :P ................................................................................................. it may or may not be the last chapter. 

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