part 12

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I just got done with my chores. As I was walking down the hallway, I heard a wolf whistle. I turned around alarmed. I saw a man that I have never seen before. He was shirtless and has a tattoo that said outlaw on his stomach.

"How is it that I haven't seen this pretty face yet, Im Ashley," So that is him. I think I heard some servents talking about him one time.


"Did I scare you?"

"haha a little bit"

"I should do it more often, you're cute when you're scared,"

"Uh thanks,"

"So are you going to tell me your name?"

"Oh it's Clarissa but I perfer Clary,"

"Ok Clarissa, I'll see you around. I have some buisness to take care of," He had a smirk on his face. I could only imagine what 'buisness' was in his head. Like come on, he doesn't have a shirt on of course people will know he's having a 'play date'.

I haven't seen Andy much since I akwardly woke up with his arm around me. Nothing more creepier than that. I guess he is a cuddler. I walked into my room and saw Andy laying down in my bed with his arm propping up his head.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"What, am I not aloud to be in here."

"No, I was just not expecting you to be in here." I make my way over to the bed and sit down. As I did this Andy sat upright.

"I wanted to say sorry again for almost killing you,"

"It will be a lot easier to forgive if we just stop bringing it up."

"Haha thats true" His laugh oh sweet jesus. Thats like the first time I have heard him laugh.


There was an ackward silence between us for a couple minutes. I was picking at my fingers the whole time. Finally he broke the silence.

"so i uh umm oh fuck it," I look at him and all of sudden his lips crashed onto mine.

Andy's pov

We were sitting in an ackward silence. I definitely have feeling for her now that I have had the last couple days to think about things. I don't even care if she is human. Why should that matter.

"So I uh umm oh fuck it," She looked up at me and I took the opportunity to kiss her. She was very shocked. She was frozen in her spot. But I didn't stop kissing her. She started kissing me back very lightly. I pulled away and she was staring me in the eyes. I hope thats a good thing.


This chapter is just a little filler. so it finally happened

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