Part 29

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I hope you guys enjoy. Just to throw this out there i was getting a little emotional writing this so just be prepared.

Jinxx pov

Andy and I went into the library and pulled out a bunch of old books on the originals. With all of this information it could take us weeks before we know what Clary really is. Andy sighed.
"Isn't there any other way we can learn about this faster?" I asked
"Can't trust the Internet" He had a point.
"Well there is one way."
"No" Andy said. He knew exactly what I meant.
"It's the only way we can figure this out faster."
"I am not talking to that witch bitch."
"Seriously Andy, you can't hold a grudge on her. She didn't mean for you to drink that potion."
"Well she sure had a good laugh when I turned into a bat "
"You could have been Dracula!"
"You're pushing it jinxx"
"sorry. But just think about it. She could give us all the answers we need."
"With a price obviously" Andy said still not agreeing with the plan. I was about ready to give up on the whole witch thing but something quickly changed his mind.
"You know what? Let's do it" my mind went blank. He changes his mind all the time. He walks out of the room and out the door. Time to see witchy
"You want to know what?" Morise asked.
"We want to know more about the originals" I told her.
"Well jinxx. What an odd request. No one has asked for these stories in forever. Let me see if I remember where I put those books" she slid her glasses on her face and swiftly moved over to the dusty bookshelf with very old looking books. She grabbed out one and blew the dust off of it. I started to cough. She put the book down and lit two candles. She started to chant some words. I hear Andy giggling from the back.
"Ok I have all the information. The originals were created by witches. They hold the almighty power of vampires. Then you have the generation after them which were the elites. The elite vampires wanted to have the most power so the elites went to war with the originals. The elites killed off all of the originals because their population was way bigger. Except there was one original who survived. Her name was Magda. She came to me for help. I had to cast a spell to keep her scent hidden why must you guys ask?"
"Well we have a girl and her name is Clarissa. Apparently she has original blood in her so if she were to change into a vampire she would be an original." Andy told her.
"Hmm Clarissa. Magda was talking about Clarissa."
"Wait what? How does Magda know who Clarissa is.?"
"Oh Jinxxy think. Magda was the only original to survive. How could clarissa's possibly have original blood"
"Is Magda clarissa's grandmother?" Andy asked.
"No. Magda is clarissa's mother"
Clarissa's pov.
What have I become. I'm a monster. I don't know who I am anymore. I'm definitely not who I used to be before I became a vampire slave. I looked in the mirror. I was still recovering from the starvation that Juliet put me through. My collarbones poked out of my skin. Dark bags under my eyes. Very skinny arms. She made me look like a monster. I could not look at myself in the mirror anymore. I am a disappointment to myself, and most likely everyone else in this home. I'm useless. I haven't done any chores in days because I need all of this medical attention. But its not like it was my fault it was hers. She is prettier than me. Andy even liked her at one point. Maybe he'd be better off with her. I still don't even know if he likes me. He has so many mixed emotions right now that I don't even know which ones are real. I take one more look in the mirror and I am disgusted with what I see. I drove my fist into the glass and it shattered. All of the pieces falling to the floor surrounding my feet. I sat down in it. Not being bothered by the sharp pokes here and there on my skin. I'd be so much better dead right now. I pick up one of the shards of glass and squeeze it in my hand. It pressed into my skin. I dropped it. I have to say sorry. Its the only human thing I can do.

I look down the cellar steps. I take a deep breathe in and make my way down the steps. Juliet looked up and made eye contact with me. She looked very angry. There was a bald spot on her head from when I yanked out her hair. I sighed and looked down.

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