Part Seven

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Clarissa's Pov

I must have fallen asleep reading the book because i woke up with it on my face. How does that even happen. It should have fallen off, espically with how i sleep. I put a book mark in and closed the book. I was not in the mood to do chores today. I still had a terrible headache from yesterday. 

A quick shower wouldn't hurt anyone. I jump in and take a nice shower. It felt really nice, and for the fact i havent taken one in a while and i feel gross. I combed out my hair and put some clean clothes on. I check the back of my door for the list. All it said was to meet downstairs. Why? At least i don't have to do any chores.

I walk down the stairs and to the front door where there is three people, one of them being Matt gathered around the door.

"Hey Clary, we are going shopping today for the party tonight," Matt told me

"What is the party for?" I ask

"Every year they have a party in honor of their "loyalty" and all of the vampires are invited," A girl with dark brown hair told me.

"Sounds dangerous, for us at least," I say.

" They can't hurt us unless they get permission, now come on lets go and get really nice dresses, They are the ones paying for it anyway," The other girl with blonde hair said.

We all got in the car and had small talk. I learned that the blonde haired girls name was Sammi and she belonged to Jinxx and the browned hair girls name was Sarah, she belonged to CC. I also learned that the reason why no one is watching over us is because if we try to escape they will be able to find us way to easy. Stupid human smell.

We arrived at the dress at suit shop. It was huge. There were so many dresses to pick from i was amazed. The dresses were beautiful to.

"See one you like?" Matt asked me

"I love all of them. It just depends on which one actually looks good on me," I said.

He started looking through a rack of dresses and his face lights up.

"Try this one on" He throws a black dress at me. It was beautiful. There was only one sleeve and there were sequins at the top of it.

"Where is the dressing room?"

"Over there," Matt points to the corner. I walk over there over excited about the dress. I put it on and it fits perfectly. It reaches to my knees and huggs my body. He really did pick a good dress. I walk out of the dressing room and Sarah, Sammi, and Matt were all standing there.

"You look gorgeous," Sammi squealed.

"Now we just need to get you good high heels," Sarah stated. 

We walked over the the heels and picked out a pair of black high heels. I put them on and they really finished the outfit. 

"You are definitly getting that," Matt said. I laughed. His eyes were basically popping out of his sockets.

"Stop drooling over her Matt," Sammi said and smacked him in the arm.

We looked around a little longer to find dresses for Sarah and Sammi and a suit for Matt. An hour later we all got checked out.

"Now we got to get back and get ready, Clary i am doing your makeup," Sammi said.

"Okay thats fine with me," I told her.


"Stop blinking i need to get the mascara on," Sammi complained.

"Sorry i can't help it,"

"Done!" Sammi clapped. I walked over to the mirror and could harldy reconize myslef. 

"Now thats a master piece Sammi," Sarah said. I put on my high heels and looked at the clock. It was 6:50

"Guys when does the party start?" I ask

"7:00" Sarah and Sammi said at the same time.

"Its 6:50" I told them. They started to panick. They had their makeup on but not their dresses. Why did they put their makup on first, I don't know. They were finally ready at 7:10

"What took you guys so long," I asked,

"We couldn't take the chance of ripping our dresses," Sarah said. There is always that possibility. 

We were walking down the stairs. I was hoping so much that we wouldn't be in the center of attention. Boy was i wrong. As we got to the bottom of the stairs everyone, well almost everyone was staring. How come whenever someone is walking down the stairs in pretty dresses its always like some huge event?

I saw Andy by a table with a lot of other girls. Typical. What was i expecting him to do? Ask me to dance? In my dreams. I saw him look up. Should I make us have i eye contact. Just to make things interesting i did. His blue eyes seemed to explode into mine. I kept it like that and looked away first. He looked very handsome tonight. I followed Sammi and Sarah since i had no clue what we were suppose to do. 

Andy's Pov

People started to arrive to the party. Clary must not be ready yet because she isn't down here yet. Not that im concerned. The music started playing and a lot of girls wanted me to dance with them but i didn't want to. I go over to a table but all of them follow. They ask all of those stupid questions like "How is it being prince" and all of the other stupid ones. We kept the small talk going until I saw Clarissa walking down the stairs. She saw me looking and she locked our eyes. She looked stunning. When she looked away i kept my eyes on her. I could see Matt walking towards her. That boy really gets out of my nerves. I take my thoughts off of Clarissa. She's human. There are plenty of pretty vampire girls here. They are not beautiful though. But like I said she is a human and i am a vampire. Very big difference.

I decided to take the girls to the dance floor, but i did that just to keep an eye on Clarissa. She was dancing with Matt. She saw me again and smiled. I returned the smile and turned my attention on the girls. We were dancing and it was very.. interesting. One of them started grinding on me.  I looked out in the corner of my eye to see Clarissa watching. Why not make her a little jealous. I got closer to the girl to get things a lot more interesting. She started to put her hands all over me. Now this was getting a little out of hand. I stopped the girl and looked for Clarissa. She wasn't on the dance floor anymore. I tried to pick up her scent but i couldn't. I started to panick. I don't even know why. I got off the dance floor and started looking for her. I swear if anyone touched her they are going to have to pay. Anger started to rise to the thought of someone taking her. I kept looking but I still couldn't find her.

I finally found her in a seperate hallway on the floor. I raced over to her and picked her up. She started giggling.

"Are you drunk?" I asked her.

" I am not allowed to be?" She asked. She started giggling again. She is a very weird drunk.

"Whats so funny?" I asked her. She put her hands on my face.

"How are you so handsome." Than her hands traveled to my hair.

"Im going to take you to bed." 

"Ok, my prince charming," Prince Charming? Ok she is a really weird drunk. I couldn't help but feel happy that she called me that though. I took her up to her room and put her in her bed.

"Don't leave," She said as she grabbed my hand.

"I won't" I told her. I sat on her bed until she fell asleep. How did she get drunk so fast? I am going to have a word with Matt.


I decided to make this chapter a little bit longer than other chapters. Thanks for all of the votes you guys are awesome. If you guys think i should work on anything with my writing tell me and i will be more than happy to do that with my writing. I hope you liked this chapter.

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