Part 30

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Clary's pov.
My head was pounding. I look from side to side. I was once again on hospital bed. I sit up without a problem. I hear distant yells. I look to my right and I see Andy screaming at the top of his lungs. I would have thought that it would have been louder .
"Andy?" I call out but he doesn't seem to hear.
"WHY ISN'T IT WORKING!" I heard his loud but faint voice cry out. Why wasn't what working. I got off the bed and my feet touched the floor. It was neither warm or cold. I walk over to Andy but he doesn't look at me. He looks right past me. I turn around to see what he is looking at and I see me...on the bed. I couldn't believe my eyes. Was I dead? Did Juliet finally succeed? I started to get very dizzy. Than it felt like something was tugging on me.
Andy's p.o.v.
She should have changed by now. Its been over an hour. Maybe she wasn't my mate after all. I started to fling medical equipment all over the room.
"FIX HER" I kept screaming even though I knew that they couldn't do anything. I wish she would just wake up. The boys are very anxious and feel really bad for Clary, Especially CC. He doesn't think she wanted to be a vampire. That is if she would wake up already! I walk over to the bed and start stroking her long silky hair. Just if I could see her eyes at least one last Time.
"Andy I think we should get out for a while," Ashley said as he put his hand on my shoulder. "We could go to the bar and let loose a little bit, how about it,"
"I don't know. I don't want to leave her." I look over to the limp body on the hospital table, any minute she could wake up, that is if it would even work.

"Come on," Ashley said and started to drag me out of the infirmary. Well a couple drinks couldn't hurt right?


There are girls dancing on the floor. Multiple of the have asked me to dance but I just pushed them away. Ashley is already making out with one of them. While he is doing that, I couldn't stop thinking about Clary. I order a vodka from the bar and wait patiently for him to make my drink. He hands it over to me and I down it. A sudden burst of energy goes through my body. I make my wave over to the girls that were asking me to dance before and start to dance with them. This one girl that had auburn hair and blues eyes was staring mischievously at me. She sort of looks like Clary. I scoot a little closer to her and start dancing with her. The look in her eye is what was drawing me towards her. She is exactly like.. like, who was I comparing her too? I couldn't remember, all my attention was on this girl. I bought her some drinks and we danced and danced together. Ashley soon joined us with a blonde on his arm. We were all having a great time. The girl got a little closer to me and kissed my cheek. Her lips left a burning sensation on my cheek. I swear she looks and acts like someone I know. I just can't put my finger on it. 

The girl had went to the bathroom and I waited for her to come back out. Her friends were trying to get me to dance with them but I only wanted to dance with her. Soon I spotted her eyes in the crowd. But this guy was  bothering her. I walk over there and see he is tugging on her arm.

"Leave her alone," I say as I shove him back. He goes flying through the crowd of people and one by one they started to fall. The guy got to his feet and scurried out of there. I look over to the girl and she has this playful smile on her face. I run up to her and kiss her. I don't know what got me to do it. I longed for her touch. But was it her touch I was really longing for? Oh well. I gathered up Ashley so he could drive me and this girl back to the house. We were having a full make out session. Once we pulled up to the house I swept the girl up bridal style and rushed into my room. I threw her onto my bed and climbed on top of her. I swiped my tongue across her bottom lip and she opened her mouth for me. While we were doing that she flipped me over so that she was on top. She was about to take off her shirt when suddenly she was ripped off of me and flung to the wall. I heard every single bone in her body snap as she landed against the wall it stung at my heart because I knew she was dead. I look up and see Clary standing there. The moonlight reflected off of her.  She looked so beautiful. I didn't care about that girl anymore. It was only then when I noticed the blood all over her mouth and clothes. She was walking towards me but collapsed to the ground with exhaustion. I picked her up and placed her on my bed. I remember when I first changed, the uncontrollable thirst....SHit.

I dash down the steps into the infirmary. There was blood everywhere. The nurses were all on the floor holding their necks. About 3 of the 7 were dead. I scurried  around the room giving them all some of my blood so they wouldn't die. I cleaned up the room and searched the rest of the house. Nothing was disturbed. Besides the trail of blood drops that led up to my room. This was a lot worse than how I was when I first changed. Maybe Juliet was right, What If we can't control her?

I go into the cellar and she Juliet hunched over.

"I told you so," She kept saying over and over in a hysterical laugh. "I heard all of the screams as she fed on her pray. You're never going to be able to control her."

"Bullshit, You don't know what you are talking about." I tell Juliet.

"Its only going to be a matter of time before she comes down in this cellar and snaps my neck and sooner or later she will start killing you guys off one by one. But word of advice. She might not only be hungry for human blood." Those words startled me.

"Whats that suppose to mean?"

"It means watch your back Biersack, But I'm not going to be around to see when she does that. I'm done." Juliet picked up the wooded stake that was next to her and drove it into her heart.

"NOO," I rush over to her and pull it out. I need more answers from her. Her skin started to turn gray. URG. She must have been serious. What does it mean though? She might be hungry for more than human blood.


Oh this was so much fun to write. I would have updated a lot earlier but I didn't have access to a lap top and there is nothing more frustrating then writing a story on your phone. Well I hope you guys enjoyed.

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