Part 10

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A/N never fear the update is here!

I think I might change the title cause it sounds a little....dirty id say.

Now let the adventure begin


We were still walking on the path. My hand was also still connected to Matt's. At first I thought it felt right but something seemed... wrong. I couldn't tell what though. It felt like something was missing. I swatted the thought away because im not ruining this perfect moment.

The sun was beating down on us. It was hot out. I wanted to go inside so I could cool off.

"Guys Im gonna head back, its really warm out," I let go of Matts hand.

"Ok we will meet you back at the house when we are done"

I walked back the way we came from. It seemed a lot shorter than it did when we were walking that way. The wind started to pick up a lot. I looked around because I was afraid someone was watching me. Maybe Matt and them were coming. I looked behind myself and no one was there. Just my paranoid self. I made my way back into the house were it was so much colder do to the wonderful air conditioning. What would I do without it.

I walked up to my room to read more of the books that Jinxx and CC generously gave me. That made me wonder, why did they get me these anyway? I picked up the book just as there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said.

"Hi its me, Jinxx,"

"Oh hi, I should have guessed it wasn't Andy because he would have barged right in,"

"Haha thats true, I see you're reading the books,"

"Yes and I am enjoying them, thank you so much, how come you got me books?"

"CC told me what happened and we wanted to say sorry about Andy so we got you books,"

"Thank you again. Did you come here for any specific reason?"

"Actually yes, could you do us a favor and not get so lovey dovey to Matt"

" What, not like I am or trying to but why?"

" Well Andy has been in a pissy mood ever since he saw you two holding hands"

" Why would he care, all he does is make me do chores and beats me."

"Maybe there is more to it than you think. I would try to talk to Andy if I were you,"

" I'll take your word for it,"

"Ok thank you, I better get going now." Than he left. That sounded like Andy was jealous. But why should he, I am just a boring female girl while he is a fridgen vampire prince. I wanted to read my book but I should go talk to Andy to get it over with.

I approached his door and knocked. Not taking my chances of barging in. The door whipped open.

" What do you want?"

"I wanted to talk to you. Why do you care about what goes on between me and Matt?" He pulled me into his room and closed the door.

"Now why would you lie little girl,"

"One, I am not lying Jinxx told me two, I am not little."

"Figures, I do not care, Nor will I ever care about you because your just a small. little. human." Those words were a stab to the heart.

"Of course you care, you're just to embarresed because you don't want anyone to know your falling for a human!"



"You better not get me angry when im hungry. Ill bite you at any second." Now that sparked fury inside of me. I lifted my hand and striked him across the face. There was now a red print there. I had to get out of there right away. I ran to the door and swung it open. I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I know its stupid to try and out run a vampire but it will give me some spare seconds to live. Every moment counts right. I didn't dare look back because that would just slow me down. I was grabbed and I screamed. I was dead I knew it. Andy's sharp fangs sunk into my neck. I could feel the life being drained out of me as he took each gulp of my blood. This is like totally the best way to die. Andy let go of me and I fell to the floor. My vision was blurring and my breathing was very heavy with each little breath I took in. My heart was racing, trying to get the blood back around my body but I would die before that would ever happen. As I lay crippled on the floor I hear a faint sob. Than I was being cradled on the ground. My guess was that Matt found me. But I was wrong.

"What have I done!" Andy cried. I clutched on to him as the pain started to worsen. I struggled for more air but I couldn't get enough. I kept on trying to get air into my lungs until I got one more deep breath in, which im positive, was my last one.


Is that really the end of Clary? Sorry if my updates have been a little eh. I have been getting writers block and don't know what to do. Thanks for reading!

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