Part 25

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This chapter is in honor of @biersackisBEUTIFUL because I did her favor and updated
Clarissa's pov
When our lips disconnected from Andy's I wanted to pull him into another kiss. He knew I was thinking that but he backed up.
"You need to get some rest."
"Please stay" the words slipped out of my mouth before I could even register what I just said.
"Ok. I just have to take care of something first" He left the room and I was eager for him to come back in. I kept my eyes on the door. Just walk in Andy than I can stop acting stupid. I started to get tired but I refuse to sleep until ik that Andy is here with me. I don't like this friends with benifits shit. Well not really even friends but slave and master benifits.. well. I want it to be more than that. I want to be his. Let everyone know that he is taken, by me. But he probably doesn't want that. The door clicked and opened. Andy walked in. The butterflies in my stomach started smashing into the sides of my stomach. I've never felt this way about andy before, or even anyone u should say . He pulled a chair over next to the bed and sat down. It wasn't good enough.
"Could you...lay with me?" He gave me a little look. But than he said
"Of course" He pushed the chair back and squeezed into the bed. I curl up on my side back facing him. I could feel him breathing on my neck. I shifted my body so I was facing him. His eyes sparkled as I looked into them. I lay my head on his chest and I fall asleep.

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