Part 27

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Sorry for the wait and I love reading your comments some of them are hilarious and all of them mean the world to me enjoy
Andy's pov
I watched Clary sleep. Her chest rises ans falls as she takes each breath. Her hair lay perfectly on her shoulders with just a little bit of frizz. I can hear her heartbeat. It thumped like a song. It was close around midnight and all I've been doing is watching Clarissa. She's starting to look better since she first got back. Some of the bruises are faded and she has a little more meat on her bones. I start to drift off to sleep listening to her heart beat. But the quietest creak woke me up. It was the front door.
No one would have left the house. Everyone went to bed. I was on high alert. There was no way anyone is going to get harmed under my watch. I hear little clicks. High heels? Way to get yourself caught. I hear quiet whispers. It sounds like they are coming towards this room. I go to the corner of the room ready to pounce. There is no way anyone is taking Clary. The door is pushed open and someone walks in and approaches Clary. I grab their shirt and throw then to the ground. I then get down and pin them.
"Ooo Andy you wanna get feisty?" Juliet said with scandal in her eyes. There is no way I'd ever get to feisty with this woman.
"Ooo Juliet what are you doing here?" I was not looking for a 'to see you're answer. And I made sure she knew that.
"I want the girl you already know this." She struggled against my restrain. I'm not letting go.
"Well you're not gonna get her " she just gives me a wicked smile. I'm thrown off of Juliet by someone else. Now they have me pinned. Juliet does not take her time yanking out the needles from Clary's skin. She picks her up bridal style and gets out. I caught the mystery person off guard and snapped their neck. That saves me some time.
I dash up and grab Juliet before she could get to the door. Clary flies out of her arms and lands harshly on the tiled floor. She groans in pain. I grab Juliet and throw her to the ground.
"You torture clary, now i torture you." I snap her neck and she lay still. I make sure Clary is safe back in her bed and then take care of juliet and the mystery person. I've never seen them before. I get them both down in our cellar and chain them up. They are not getting away from me. I go into our cabinet and pull out bottles or vervain. (I think that's how you spell it) I cover the chains in it and last put not least I open Juliets mouth just a tad and slowly pour the vervain down her throat. I could hear it burning. She's is gonna be in a lot of pain when she wakes up. Some of the vervain gets on my hands and they start to sizzle. I rush to the sink and wash it off. I should proably where gloves next time.
I check up on Clary to see if she is ok. She is staring blankly at the ceiling.
"She was gonna take me back to that cellar wasn't she?" Clary asked horrifyed. Every muscle in my body wanted to go over there and give her a hug and sugarcoat it with a lie, but I stood up straight and told her the truth
"Yes she would have most likely taken you back."
" you know she told me that she had to keep me weak because I had this power I could use against her. Haha and people think making friends with rats us weird." What? Friends with rats? That least I'd my concerns. What really hit me was the whole power thing. I need to get answers from Juliet.
"This is the part when your suppose to tell me making rat friends is totally normal in your sarcastic voice " she has a cute smile pastured on her face.
"Well its not the weirdest thing I've heard."
"Yea yea whatever."
"I'm serious" I laugh.
"Well Andy you're quite something "
"Well what's that suppose to mean."
"Well instead of letting Juliet take me you saved me "
"Trust me. I will never let that witch touch you ever again." I walk over to her and plant a kiss on her forehead. Her whole face was washed in a red color. I knew it. She digs me. Well what can I say, I dig myself too. And her obviously.
For the past two days we have gotten clary to walk more and get more excersize. She keeps complaining that sleep is all the excersize she can handle. I've also been spending the days getting to know clary more like her favorite colors and things. Yes very cheesy but I need to know these things. I've forgotten about the two things In the cellar and decide to pay them a quick visit. Time to get answers. This is a game I call truth or hurt.

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