Part 40

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Guy' s I have a perfect ending to this book. It's gonna be a cliff hanger but I'm going to make a second one. It's not the end just yet though. 

Clarissa's P.O.V

I was racing through the maze. I had to get out before the door shut. I look around, that way. I followed my instinct. Before I knew it, I was out of the maze. 

"Well done Clarissa! You knocked your time down by 10 seconds. You have been adapting well the experiments," 

"Thank you!" I blush to their comment. A lot has gone down in the last couple days. They have been experimenting a lot on me lately and they have been making me strong. They are doing me a favor.  They are actually the good guys believe it or not. 

"That will end the tests for today," They told me. 

"Ok. I'll be in the diner after I clean up" I told them. I was walking down to my room that they had recently assigned to me.  But I stopped in my footsteps at the sight of a door. The door that led down into the cellar. Something was telling me to go down there. I glanced both ways before twisting the knob and making my way down the steps. 

"Clary? Is that you?" Magda asked.

"Yes it is,"

"Oh thank the heavens. I was afraid that the tests had killed you! You haven't been down here in the past couple days." 

"Why would the tests have killed me. They have been increasing my strength and it's incredible."

"Clary, what have they done to you? At first you disgusted to the thought of them extending your abilities but now it's as if they..they....Oh no! They must have brainwashed you."

"Brainwash me? Yea right, they all love me." 

"Tell me, what was your life like before they captured you?"

"Easy, I was living...I was living," I was trying to remember but I couldn't. Who had I been with these past months?

"Clarissa what are you doing down there?" Called someone from upstairs.

"Uh nothing. I was just coming back up," I said as I started to climb up the stairs, not bothering to look back a Magda. 

"She's far gone," Was the last think I heard Magda say as the big door shut behind me. 

Andy's pov

"What are we going to do!" I shout at the 3 guys. Since were all pissed off at Jinxx and he is not here. 

"We don't even know were to find her," Jake said to all of us.

I groan in frustration. I was never going to see her again, was I? And it doesn't help that I finally figured out her feelings for me. But now, now she's gone. But I will find her. It's our destiny to be together. No matter what. I don't care what I have to go through, I will find her. And we will be together again. Forever. 

"Well maybe we can ask someone if they know where the vampire council lives or something." CC said. 

"Yea CC were gonna go up to a random person and ask them where the council is located, sounds like a great idea," I said to CC. 

"Actually It is," Said Jinxx as he walked into the room.

Everyone stopped talking and just glared at him. He sighed. He knows that he screwed up big time. 

"And how is that a good idea," I spat a Jinxx. "Last time we went to a none trustworthy person, they stabbed us in the back, along with our best friend."

"I thought I was doing the right thing!" Jinxx cried. "If you were in my shoes you would have probably done the same thing. You should have heard what she said to me," 

"I don't  want to know what she said. If it was anything about Clary being dangerous, we already know that. But we can deal with it. I don't want to hear it Jinxx. Right now our main focus is not to forgive you.  It is to save Clary's life if she is not already dead." I stared at him dead and cold in the eye. Making sure that I have made my point. 

"I know where she is," Jinxx said. 

"Where," Everyone in the room asked.

"Well I don't know where she is but I have a friend that used to work for the council but they kicked him out because he didn't like the fact that they were hurting other vampires."

"And who is this lunatic?" Jake asks.

"His name is Chris. Chris Motionless."


Sorry if the ending kind of sucks but I was writing it quickly so I could give you guys something to read. Enjoy!!! Oh yea, and schools almost done!!

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