Part 16

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Andy's pov

I went into the library. Thats where I keep my journal. Yes I have a journal but its to help with how the way i feel inside. I haven't written in it since god knows when. But maybe it would help if I started to do that again. I walk to the shelf that I would normally put it on but it wasn't there. Panick started to wash over me. Maybe the last time I used it I didn't put it back in the original spot. It doesn't bother me that I don't have the journal to write in at the moment it just bothers me if someone found it and read it. They could take advantage of me with the stuff that I had written in there. This was going to keep bothering me until I find where I put that journal. No one knew that I had it. Wait. I did tell one person that I kept a journal but they would never read it. He told me some secrets about himself to so if he did read it than I get to spill those. I thinks its time that I talk to Ashley about my journal.

I walk past Ashley in the hall and stop him. 

" Hey Ash you wouldn't happen to know what happened to my journal right."

"Say what about a journal?"

"Remember a while back i told you that i had one and you told me some personal stuff about you?"

"Oh yea your little man diary, No don't know what happened to it, forgot you even had one till now"

"Oh just wondering. Sorry to bother you" 

With that I walked away. How was I ever going to find it. I slambed my door as I entered my room.

Ashleys pov

I had to make sure to get that diary away from clary as soon as possible. If Andy finds out that she has it he will definitly hurt her and if he knows that I gave it to her Im going to be more dead than I already am. I walked into Clarys room to see that she was reading Andys journal but she quickly tried to hide it

"Oh its only you. I was scared for a second,"

"Yea well reading time is over i need that journal now"

"why? It is very useful to me"

"well I thought Andy forgot about that old thing but he came up to me today asking me if i knew where it was, I don't want him to hurt you if he finds out you have it,"

"Why would you care if he hurt me?" 

"Ah no reason, Now give me the diary so I can put it back."

"Ok ok calm down."

She threw the journal at me and I caught it. Man you could tell she had it. Her scent was all over this book. Im gonna need to get some of Andys man perfume or as he calls it colonge to cover up her scent. Not knowing where to put the journal as I venture down the halls, I stuffed it in my pants. Andy has no need to see me carrying it right now. Also, id rather not get yelled at. I was going to walk into Andys room to get the colonge but he was in there. It might be in his bathroom to if I was lucky. I go into his bathroom and find a bottle of his colonge and sprayed the book with it. Yup definitly can't smell clary anymore. Darn. She smells pretty good. Not in that way you dirty minded you. I exit the bathroom and dash down the hallway and went into the library. The longer i have this in my hand the worse the consiquence. I put the book back where I found it and went back to my room. I took and deep breath in. Now I don't have to worry about that stupid journal. For now.


Hey thanks for reading. If you like this story it would mean a lot if you checked out my other one I Love You More Than I Could Ever Scream. Ill try to update more its just i don't know what to do with this story anymore. Someone want to pitch in ideas?

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