Part 18

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Andy's pov
"Andy, there is this girl here, she's asking for you,"
"Oh, thanks CC" It's juliet I just know it. I go down stairs to the door but she is sitting on the couch, Clarissa next to her.
"Hey Andy poo, miss me?" Clary's eyes go wide.
"Ah sure juliet. What are you doing here?"
" Well Andy, remember that little deal thing we made. You sort of need to give me Clarissa because you two have something going on together."
"No we dont"
"Oh so then you wouldn't mind if I took her since she is just a slave,"
"NO you can't do that."
" Why andy?"
"Because..I need her to do chores."
" just make the other ones do it"
" Andy. I will kill her right now if u say no"
" fine you can take her. She means nothing to me. She's just a slave."
"Ok Andy poo. Don't have to worry about her anymore."
With that she grabbed her arm and dashed out of the house. Clarissa was now gone. Possibly forever
"WTF MAN" Ashley yelled.
" Why do you care if she's gone or not?"
"Well Andy I actually like clary, and who knows what that psycho bitch is gonna do to her."
"Well she is gone now and I can't do anything about it"
" Well maybe u can't do anything but I can" Ashley left. Something tells me that Ashley likes Clarissa...a little to much. But so did I. I didn't like her though. The realization came to me that I love clary. And I just let her go. But if I go to get her. Juliet will kill her.
I just quickly came up with this. I am so sorry it is short and sucks but I'm staring another Fanfic called I will carry you and I'm really excited about writing it!!! Check it out.

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