Part 13

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Clary's pov

I looked into his eyes. He actually kissed me, the puny little human. To show him that I did like him also i kissed him this time. He kissed me back. It was a very passionate kiss. I got sucked in and forgot about everything around me. But all good things come to an end. He stopped the kiss and looked at me for a second. Than he dashed out of the room. Seriously? Asshole. I had to reprocess what just happened. I could still feel his warm lips on mine. I felt lonely now knowing that they weren't there. I got of my bed and randomly started pulling at my hair. How could I let him kiss me than run out? He is such a pussy. If only I could say that to his face without a near death experience. I walk out of my room only to bump into Ashley. Great.

"Well hello to you Clarissa."


"So what had you barge out of you door like that?"

"Nothing interesting" I said as Andy walked passed us. He let out a harsh chuckle and kept walking.

"Whats with him."

"How am I suppose to know? "

"well your his little slave, why wouldn't you?"

"Because he doesn't really like me as a person"

"Andy doesn't like any of his slaves. Not saying that he doesn't like you"

"Yea I guess,"

"Follow me" I don't know if I should trust him. Especially because of the way we met. We were going down stairs so I knew it wasn't his room. Thank god.


This is just a filler. I get out of school on thursday so then I will be able to update a lot more.
Marina19961997 helped me with ideas. Thank her otherwise this chapter wouldn't have happened

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