Part 11

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A/n  I'm going to change the title of the book. If u have any names u would like me to call it comment. If u like the name comment don't change.


Clarys Pov

I am in heaven? That was the first thought when I woke up in a really soft bed. Than came the worst headache in the history of headaches. Nope I'm still alive. Did he save me? Why would he anyway? I thought I was just a little human. It took me a while to figure out their was someone laying next to me and I had one of those spasms in bed like when your half asleep and you feel like your falling than you move in a really weird way. Luckily, whoever was sleeping next to me, didn't wake up or move in anyway. Its dark so I really have to stare at the figure next to me to get a clear image. Short hair, black im guessing because it doesn't have any color.

"You having fun staring at me," It just had to be andy didn't it.

"Well sorry I was trying to see who I mysteriously ended up in bed with,"

"It was a wild night huh,"

"Ew gross this is nothing to worry about. I don't even know why I am talking to you because you almost murdered me."

"I almost did, but i didn't."

"That doesnt make a difference. You caused me so much pain."

"Im sorry,"

I had to do a double take right there. He just said he was sorry. If im correct that was the first time he has ever apologized. I just stare at him. I couldn't think of anything to say. I definitly wasnt going to accept his apology because he almost killed me. It is going to take me even longer than it was before to just get a little bit of trust for him.

"I just need some time to think." I got up and walked to the door. But unfortunatley I didn't make it to the door because I collasped to the floor. My head was spinning. I'm gonna kill him.

"Im guessing you need help to get up?" he asked me

"No i don't need your help. You have done enough"

He didn't listen though. He got up and grabbed me off the floor. He was carrying me bridal style. He lay me gently down on the bed and put covers on me.

"Since it's the middle of the night we best go back to sleep, also because i do not want to carry you again. Night." He kissed me on the cheek and got in the bed himself and turned the other way. I could feel my cheek burning from were his lips touched. What the hell was that for. Not going to make this any more ackward than it already is sleeping next to him so better not ask him about what just happened. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I hope he doesn't toss and turn.

Andys pov

I don't know what gotten into me. I just kissed her on the cheek. I do feel incredibly bad for almost killing her. I don't know what I would have done if I did. In all honesty, I like her. Not love her but I like her. She is a lot more tolerable than all of my other slaves that would have been dead by now. She was already asleep. I turn to face her. I studied her face. Her aburn hair lay on her shoulders. Her cute little nose. Her lips. No. I close my eyes and lay on my back. She is just a human. Falling in love with her would ruin my prince reputation. But my main goal here is to not let her fall in love with that little runt matt. Seeing her holding hands with him set off a really big trigger in my mind that made me go crazy. It doesn't help that Cc and Jinxx are saying how great she is and how Matt is so lucky to have her wrapped around his finger. Ashley and Jake still need to meet her. I wonder how Ashley hasn't met her already. She is beautiful. I shifted to get comfortable and that ended with my arm around Clarissa. I wasn't going to keep it there so I pulled back. But she grabbed onto my arm. I decided to leave my arm there. I than fell asleep with my arm around the most fragile thing in the world. That I was determined to protect. No matter what happens.


Yeah definitly looks like andy just Likes her. Just a reminder, if you have an idea about what my book title should be just type it into the comments. If you like the title and want me to keep it the same, comment that. Thanks for reading my story. I also plan on writing another part this weekend because i finally have enough time on my hands. Thanks for reading, you guys are awesome!

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