Part 33

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Clarissa's P.O.V

"We've decided to put you through stations. One of us will be tutoring you on how to use your abilities better. Jake will help you with your strength, Cc will help you with your speed. Ashley will help with your hunger,  I will show you how to hunt for animals if we do not have any blood bags, and last but not least Andy will teach you how to concentrate and hear conversations from afar " Jinxx explained to me.

"Sounds like a plan. So, who do I start with?" I ask the  boys

"Basically in the order that I just told you," Jinxx replied. 

I looked over at Jake and he gave me a smile. "You ready midget?" He asked me.

"Hey I'm not that small," I laugh as I punch his arm. He clutched to it in pain. " Oh yea. Sorry about that. I forgot how "strong" I am now."

"Yea yea yea," Jake said. "Follow me," 

He guided me out the back of the house. We went a little further back. We were soon surrounded by trees.

"Punch this tree," Jake told me. I cocked my head at him.

"Why do I need to punch a tree?" I ask him.

"So we can see if you can make a dent in it or tilt the whole thing over," Jake explained. I hesitated for a second but then started to look around for a tree. preferable a wimpy looking one. But apparently I wasn't look for the tree, Jake was.

"This one," Jake said pointed at a rather tall tree that looked very stable.

" So I just punch the tree?" I ask Jake.

"Yes, like this." He goes by a tree close to the one by mine and drives his fist into it. He make a pretty decent dent. I also thought I could hear the roots pulling up. He looked a little disappointing at the dent he made. I'm guessing he thought he could knock that tree over.

"Ok, I'm ready," I say as I get into my position. I hope punching this tree won't hurt my hand to much. I took a deep breath and drew my fist back. Then with all my force, I smack my fist into the tree. My hand went almost all the way through. I slowly take out my hand so I don't get a lot of scratches. To my disappointment, the tree didn't fall over.

"Well if you wanted it to fall over you could always try again," Jake said as he leaned on the tree I just punched. It started to tilt over. Jake was alarmed and got off the tree. We both watched in complete silence not knowing what to say as we watched the tree slam into the ground. " Um. Well then," Jake said. He was amazed at the site of the falling tree. "Now we just got to make sure that you can control your strength. We don't need you taking the pizza from the pizza guy but end up flinging the pizza man and most importantly the pizza to the wall. You'll scare the pizza man, and have 5 scared boys because they didn't get their pizza." Jake said. I started to laugh. He must really love pizza.

"I see how much you care for me," I smack Jake on the arm.

"Yea, I care about you a lot," He said and started to scratch the back of his neck. He had this weird look in his eyes except I couldn't figure out what it was. I couldn't read him

"Whats wrong?" I ask him curiously. He looks up and the blue sky. He takes a deep breath in and out.

"Fuck it," He said. He came straight up to me and grabbed my face. " Why do you make me feel this way!" He starts to scream. "I can't get my fucking mind off of you, you are a drug to me. I know that I have no chance because you and Andy are a thing now and it doesn't help that Ashley has the hots for you too!" His face was red. I couldn't tell if it was from pure anger or just complete embarrassment. "But I need to know if you feel anything. Even just the tiniest little spark when I do this." He mushes our faces together. He starts kissing me but I don't kiss back. I already know that this meant nothing to me. But I just wanted to give him his satisfaction. After a couple more seconds I had enough. I couldn't do it. I backed away from him and he looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry Jake. I just, don't feel that way about you. I hope you understand," I say with tears in my eyes. I don't know why I am crying but I can't help it. I fell bad for Jake. He looks miserable. It was hard for me to look at him. I could feel the pain he was feeling. I knew exactly how it felt. I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me. "You'll find someone, its just takes time. You don't want to get yourself fixed up on someone who probably isn't even your true match. It may take a long time. But once you do find them, you can spend the rest of eternity with them." He shook his head in agreement. He burred his head in my shoulder and started crying.

"I've just been so alone lately. But when I am with you, I am so happy," He sobs. "We should probably get you back. They are going to wonder what took so long."


We were back at the house and Jake looked fine. But that's a different story on the inside. All of us were gathered at the table asking me how it went. You wouldn't believe the look on their faces when I told them I knocked down a tree. They were all surprised. The whole time Jake just sat their quietly.

After our little chat, they let me go up stairs and rest a little bit. I still had a long day ahead of me and they thought it was best if I wasn't half asleep when they are trying to teach me something important.

I step into the nice warm shower. The water runs down my back. Its the best feeling ever. I immediately became relaxed. Flashbacks ran through my mind the whole time. All those cruel times Andy smacked me to the floor. It angered me. I started to squeeze that whole bar soap that was in my hand and it slipped from my fingers. I am definitely not picking that up. Like they say, don't drop the soap. But the thing is you can't really get raped in the butt if you don't pick it up. Soooooo.

I soon stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. I open the door and proceed into my room. Little did I know that Ashley was standing in the corner.

"You look good." Ashley said. He made me jump. Luckily, my towel did not fall down.

"What are you doing in here!" I yell at him.

"Uh just checking up on you. You spent like an hour in the shower. You know that stuff costs money right?"

"No, no I didn't Ashley, Now if you excuse me I would like to get changed." I put my hand on his chest and started to push him out.

"Not so fast." He said and picked me up. His hand was on my bare bottom. Help.

"Get your filthy Purdy hands off my butt."

"But I like it," He said and squeezed it. I squealed and managed to get out of his arms. I ran to the other corner of my room but he followed. "You know," He said as he started to walk closer to me. "I haven't had a little fun in a while. Would you like to help me?" My eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"What the actu." He cut my off by his big fat mouth against mine. Here we go again. First with Jake. Now with Ashely. But Ashley was different. I could feel his hunger for me. I started to yearn for his touch. I started to kiss him back. He threw me on the bed and got on top of me. He slid his hand through the bottom of my towel. Something in me sparked. I was more hungry for something else. I broke the kiss and started to kiss it. It wasn't long until I sank my little vampire teeth into his neck and started to drink his blood. It tasted amazing. So much more satisfying than human blood.

"Clary, stop," Ashley was begging me. But I couldn't. He eventually got me off of him. He looked at me with fear. That was the last thing that I wanted to see. "I uh just stay here and get dressed." I did what he said. I dried up the rest of the way and put my clothes on. I can't help but feel bad that I just did that. Jake kissed me and I felt nothing. Ashley kisses me and almost gets me too excited but I enjoyed it. But Andy, he is completely different. Whenever he kisses me or something as little as putting one finger on me I fall deep in a trance.  What am I suppose to do?


What should she do? Tell me in the comments!

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