part 23

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So u may be wondering why I changed the title. My teacher wanted to read my story cause of how well its doing so I just want to make sure she doesn't find it. I'll change it back when the coast is clear XD
Clarissa's pov
My eyes opened slowly. I don't remember what happened. I felt soft sheets under my finger tips. Where was I. I remember being in the cellar buy than I pasted out. I heard beeping noises. My eyes fully adjust to the bright light and I see that I'm in a little infirmary. The girl that was working by the desk looked familiar. Sammi.
"Sammi" I asked.
"Oh darling I thought we lost you"
I lean up to give her a hug but shooting pains go through out my body.
"Lay down honey, you haven't been eating for a while so it's gonna take time to adjust to eating again"
"Great" thoughts of Andy cloudy my head. I want to see him. I need to see him. But then I remembered he was the reason why Juliet took me away. Anger swiped away all of the love for Andy at the moment.
"Where's Matt, Sarah?"
"Oh honey I'm so sorry"
"What's that suppose to mean?!" Panick washed over me
"Sarah is fine but Matt.... Andy had an outburst and snapped his neck." Tears Crouded my eyes. How could he kill him? We are people too. Wait they are vampires. 

" I know its a lot to take in when you first wake up but you had the right to know now."

"Im gonna kill Andy,"

"Don't sweat it honey, Hes been hopelessly drunk for the past couple days. He was drunk when he killed Matt but sure didn't regret it when he was sober," I tried to get out of the bed but Sammi lightly put me back down.

"You need to rest, You could collaspe at any time if you don't fully recover"

"How long is that gonna take?"

"Well maybe a couple days"


"Just sleep and it will go by fast,"

"Can you make sure I just don't see Andy any time soon. I can't bear to look at him knowing what he has done."

"I will try my best. " With that she left me all alone in the room. I look to my left and see a bowl of soup laying there. I really didn't want to eat but it might help me recover faster. I bring it over to me and try some. Its cold chicken noodle soup, that tells me that it was set there a little while ago.  

"Hey its Jinxx"

"Oh hey Jinxx. Long time no see"

" haha yea. so how are you holding up."

"Sore, and a little dead inside."

"Im sorry to hear, but to make it better i am dead inside too" I laughed a little to his cheesy joke

"You always know how to cheer me up"

"Well i dont like to see you down,"

"So hows everyone esle holding up,"

"Oh CC is fine but he misses you Jake Is worried about you Ashley is head over heels, Andy well ehh he is a little dumb,"

"Hmm Wait Ashley is head over heels?"

"Oh ahhhh yea he met this girl at a bar,"

"Oh well good for him."

"Yea, Here Let me get you new soup. Believe me its been sitting there since yesterday." 

"Oh gross" He picked up the bowl and exited the room. I wanted to see CC. I miss his hyper atitude. I was about to grab the remote for the tv when something was being injected to me through the tubes. It was cold and started to make me feel drowzy. I don't wanna go to sleep. Was my last thought before I drifted off,


Since I didn't update this weekend i made sure i updated today. I hope you like it

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