Part 37

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I need to get back into the habit of writing every week!

Clarissa's P.O.V.

I can't remember anything since they put me into the car. Bur right, I'm panicking. I have no clue where I am. I am in a very dark, tight, claustrophobic space and I can't move. All I hear is rattling noises when I try to shake my arms and legs. It takes a while until I can see at least a little bit. My eyes adjusting to the pure blackness. I was in a box of some sort. I try to whiff in the smells around me to see if I can pick up any thing. But, the only thing I can pick up is the smell of dirt and bugs. I shivered. Was I in a coffin? Panic arose in my body. I started to fidget around uncontrollably. My main priority was to get out of this coffin. Then I'll deal with digging my way out  of here.

I yanked my arms and twisted them in all sorts of ways to get out of these chains. I kicked my feet and moved my legs around. But nothing would get these chains off me. But then I stopped moving. My body moved on it's own, like all the times I was fighting. My body bumped around in the coffin and then my hands slammed down on the soft fabric of the coffin. I heard loud cracks. I could move my arms and legs now, I was free! I placed my legs on the top of the coffin and started kicking as hard as I could. The hood of the coffin moved but at the same time, dirt started to come flooding in. My arms started moving rapidly. I was digging through the dirt. I kept yanking myself up further and further until my hand sprouted through the top layer of soil. I grabbed onto the ground and pulled myself and the dirt that was on top of me up onto the solid ground. I spit out the dirt that was in my mouth and I brushed off my clothes. 

I hear clapping. I look around me and about 15 vampires were surrounding me in a circle. Where they the ones that put me in the coffin? Why were they clapping.

"Very impressive Clarissa. You are a lot stronger than we anticipated." I tall man with dirty blonde hair said. 

I glared up at him. Not interesting in what he had to say about him. Nothing they say will be a compliment to me.

"You should feel proud of yourself. Regular vampires can't even get out of those chains." Said the same man. 

I looked around at all the vampires. "Why did you put me in there?" I asked. I needed to know the reason. Everything about this just seems..messed up. 

"It was a test Clarissa. We needed to calculate how long it would take you to get out of the coffin from the time we put you in there. When we first put you in the coffin you were unconscious and it was 3 p.m. What caught us by surprise is that it is 3:15 p.m. That means you woke up and dug your way out of a 10 foot deep coffin in 15 minutes. You are very powerful." A red headed woman said as she looked down at her clip board. 

I scratched the top of my head. Why are they so obsessed with my power? There is absolutely nothing interesting about it. Besides the fact that I'm stronger than everyone. "Ok so you have your calculations. Does that mean you guys can let me go now?" I asked.

Their was a chorus of laughter throughout the group. They looked at me with crazed eyes. 

"Honey, there is no way we can let you go. You can cause some serious mass destruction and that is what we want. At first we were afraid of you. But now we see you as an Allie. You could help us in multiple tasks that would take us 100 of our men. But with you, you have enough power to do it yourself. We just need to teach you how to use your power. You see, you belong with us Clary. Forget the life you had before us. We are your family now. We can teach you." Said the redhead. 

Could they really teach me? Could they be like my family? I really thought about it. But I couldn't leave behind the guys. They were where my life was. Andy, was where my home was. What was I thinking anyway? These people were trying to kill me before. 

"You know what? Your offer is nice but I'm going to have to pass. I don't belong here thank you very much." I smart off to them. 

"Were we not clear enough Clarissa? You can't leave. You are too dangerous to be out there in the world by yourself. Who knows how many people you would kill. And vampires! I can tell you that those boys will not be able to control you either." Said the dirty blonde man.

"No no no. You guys are not going to keep me here," I stated and started to walk away. Except, I couldn't walk anywhere. They surrounded me. I charged at part of the circle to try to break through it but a pain came surging throughout my body. I dropped to the ground and started screaming. I could now see the force field that held me in the circle. It was just in front of the Vampire council people. So that means I can't touch them and I can't get out of this. 

My brain felt like it was about to leap out of my skull. Even my unbeating heart felt like it was going to rip through my chest. I couldn't block out the pain. It slowly spread to each end of my body. I lay twitching there on the ground. All of my energy was just sucked out of my body. The circle was broken when someone stepped forward and started to drag me. Wow. How polite of them. They couldn't even pick me up. What a waste of good clothing. 

The man dragged me all the way to this building in the middle of no where. He finally let go of my feet. My back was sore from all of the twigs and rocks I was running over. He takes out a lot of keys and unlocks the door. This was my chance,  I could escape. I pushed myself off the ground no matter how tired my muscles were. I forced my legs to keep moving. I got about 14 feet away from the building when someone tackled me to the ground. 

"Since you are obvious not going to listen, we are going to have to put you in the cellar," Said dirty blonde. 

He threw me over his shoulders. I started to kick and punch but it was no use. Once we got into the building, the man walked down a large case of stairs. Flashbacks of when Juliet was holding me hostage in a basement came flooding through my head. I push that thought away. I hear a loud screeching noise. I am then thrown into a cell. Dirty Blonde closed the gate and locked it. I grabbed a hold of the bars and started to shake them furiously.

"It's not going to open." A lovely sounding voice said. 

"Well I am more powerful than you, I think I can open it,"

A glorious chuckle came from the women. I couldn't see her because it was dark down here and she was in the cell across from mine. 

"Yes I know you are powerful Clarissa, but so am I. And believe me, I've tried to rip these bars apart many times, It won't work."

"Well I'm not gonna sto- Wait. How do you know my name?" I asked alarmed. 

"I have my resources,"  She replied. Her voice. It does sound familiar. But I don't know who it comes from. 

"Do I know you?" I ask the women.


HAHAHHAHHA. Another cliff hanger. I feel really mean.  

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