Part 15

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Hey guys. Im so sorry for this being so late. I was trying to figure out ideas of what to do but they never came to me!!! I hate writers block. Once again I am so sorry. I hope all you of guys enjoy!


Clarissa's Pov

Dear Journal,

I know this is really stupid but its the only thing that can help me comprehend with my transformation. I am not human anymore. I know how stupid and weird that sounds but I ran into this beautiful woman the other day and we got along so well, until she bit me. I had so many thoughts going through my head at that moment. She visits me every now and than to help me. Lately I have been craving for blood. Its an insane feeling. I would never want to hurt someone. But She makes me. I don't dare to say or even write her name. She is evil. She is terror itself.

Just by reading that I could see the little innocent person Andy used to be. What really bothered me was that he wouldn't say the girls name. I have to admit i got a little jealous on how they got along so well because when I first met Andy, he was an ass. But seeing how this girl changed him into a douche and a vampire, I have sympathy for him. He also said she is terror itself. I am curious about who she is. I want to keep reading this but it is his personal belonging. But if I keep reading maybe ill see him change during the entrees. Like see if he gets meaner, the way his hand writing looks, they way he uses words. Maybe I'll figure out how to bring him back. Not back to human because thats impossible but bring the nice out of him. Thats a crazy thing to think about though. Nice Andy. It almost makes me laugh.  I heard someone walk past my door so I quickly shove the journal under my mattress. I see that its 11pm. Damn. I open my door and see no one. I walk downstairs because I really need a glass of water but something stops me. I hear Andy. He is talking to someone. He is talking to a girl. Could it be her?

" So ive heard you are friendly with your little slave" She said. What was that suppose to mean.

"Oh are you jealous Juliet? Last time I checked she was just a slave and nothing else." That fucking hurt.

"Good, Ive got good plans for us Andy. If you just join me we could take over everything. We could be a team,"

"Oh fuck you,"

"Now stop with that sass. I just have to get rid of that girl and I would have you tied around my finger."

"No you cant get rid of her"

"Oh and why is that? Protecting your slave."

"No I just need her to keep this place clean for me"

"hmm. Well Andy if I hear anything else about the two of you, Shes a goner." With that I hear a door slam. Could all of this be over that one little kiss? No one was there to see it. Than the realization hit me that Andy just said I was nothing to him. Well if I was nothing to him then why did he kiss me? Why must he be so stuborn. I forgot about the glass of water and just walked back upstairs before Andy would see me. Now I am determined to read his journal.

Dear Journal,

She has made me kill people. I hate it. But now all I crave is blood I cant help it. She introduced me to other vampires though. Their names are CC, Jinxx, Ashley, and Jake. Their pretty cool I have to admit. She toys around with all of them and i cant stand it. Yes even though she is evil i cant help but have a mini crush on her. She is beautiful.

So thats how he met the other guys, through her. I was debating if the girl that was just talking to Andy the girl he was writing about in the journal. There is no date on the entrees so I don't know how recent this is. I hope it isn't recent though because he said how he had a mini crush on her. I need to stop being jealous Andy is a douche and will always be a douche. Unless I can change him. The key way to change him is to know his weakness. So I have to keep reading.


Hey guys!, so i twisted it up a little bit. Let me know if you like this chapter. I just want to make sure everyone is enjoying reading this story so if any of you guys don't like something i wrote just let me know and ill gladly change it up.

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