Part 35

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Clary's pov
Morise was using her magic utensils poking around in Ashley's neck to see if the bite is or was infected.
"How could the bite be infected?" I asked Morise not quite sure how a vampire bite could get infected.
"Well sweetie, you are an original. You have good fighting techniques. When you are having your pray you can actually insert venom into them almost like that one snake and it paralysis the victim. Sometimes it has a late reaction." She said as she is looking at Ashley's blood.
"So I can insert venom into people by biting them?"
"Well that's what the originals could do. I'm not sure if you can do it though. You have the original blood in you but you were turned by a vampire not by a witch like the other ones were. But since you have original blood you could have that venom squirty power." She explained. After she got all the blood she needed from Ashley she dumped the blood into her hand and staring mumbling words. Candles would flicker, there fire going away and coming back.
"You are ok. There is no sign of infection or venom but that doesn't mean you don't have that ability Clarissa."
"Well can you at least tell me how to stop getting hungry for vampire blood?"
"Well honey let me sugar coat it for you, you can't. You are just going to have to learn how to deal with that hunger."
I sigh and roll my eyes. Of course there just had to be no way to stop hungering for vampire blood. Andy came around by me and put his hand on top of mine.
"It's ok" He whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but smile. His voice sounded so amazing. Even though it was a whisper it was still close enough.
"What about her arms?" I hear cc ask from across the room. " they should have healed by now but they didnt," He told her.
Morise came over by me and inspected my arms. Twisting and turning them. She traced the bite marks with her finger, surprised that these marks were all over me.
"And did Ashley do this to you when you were done having a feast on him?" She asked concerned.
"No no no. Not at all. I did it to myself," I say and put my head down in shame. The room was quiet for a couple of seconds. But then I feel something poking around in my arm. I look up and see Morise with her equipment. She was taking a little bit of my blood. She repeated the same steps that she did with Ashley. She poured the blood into her hand and started to mumble the words again. This time the flame of the candles danced around wildly. Morise was having a hard time concentrating. Soon, her eyes sprang open.
"Somehow you managed to get the venom in your own blood stream. Or what's left of your blood anyway. That's why it's not healing." She walks over to her desk ans grabs a jar filled with this goopy substance that almost looked like vasline. She got some on her fingers and wiped it around on my arms. There was a little sting of pain but the bites soon start to fade away.
"That should do the trick. But you should get some rest. It seems like you have been through a lot."
"Ok" I said as I followed Morise into a bedroom. It looked so familiar. The purple painted walls. The queen size bed. This must have been where I used to sleep.
"Um could you go get Andy for me?"
"Of course dear"
When she left in looked through the drawers. There were still kid clothes in them. But I came across a pair of pajama pants that look my size. I quickly slip them on before a knock is placed on the door and Andy peeks his head in.
"You need something? " right when he said that I ran over to him and pulled him into the room. I closed the door and just hugged him. I put all my passion in that hug. He starts to chuckle.
"You missed me that much? I was only in the other room."
I look up into his electrifying blue eyes. I inched my face closer to him. Since he is so much taller I grabbed the back of his head and pulled it down to mine a placed a nice sweet kiss on his lips. I know he is the one I want.
"Can you stay with me till I fall asleep?"
"Of course bab..clary" I smile. He was going to call me baby. At least I think. I climb into the bed and Andy slips in right next to me. I curl up to his chest. Even tho he can't really be warm because he is a vampire, I feel this heat whenever I touch him. I started to doze off but before I did I quickly slipped in these words.
" I love you Andy"
Than I fell asleep.
I can't beleive it took me so long to write this. I am so sorry guys. I hope you liked it tho

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