Part 34

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Andy's pov
"I'm telling you, she tried to drain me!" Ashley was explaining to me. Drain him, as in drink his blood?
"So you're telling me she was drinking your blood. How did she even catch you off guard?" I ask him curiously because he is Ashley and should be able to tell when someone is trying to bite him.
"Um you know that's a story for another time.."
"What the FUCK were you two doing," I needed to know I just couldn't bear the thought.
"Having fun?" Ashley shyly said as I shot daggers at him. Not actually just with my eyes.
"No need to tell me anything else." I was furious. But that's when the witch's words hit me.
"She may want more than human blood," I said aloud.
"What?" Ashley asked me.
"Clary she is an original, and she drinks vampire blood,"
"So what you're saying is that we are not really safe around her." Ashley told me.
"At the moment yes but if we can figure out how to help her control it we will be ok."
"What you two talking about?" Jinxx asked as he walked into my room rubbing his eyes.
"Clary bit Ashley's neck," his eyes soon were wide open.
"I think it's time to take her to see that witch,"
We were waiting outside Clary's door with a sack. It would have seemed like this was a kidnapping but was not.
"Ok I'll go in, you guys stay out here. I don't want you guys to get hurt." I tell them.
I push the door open slowly just in case she is ready to attack. But she's sitting on her bed. Her head sprang up when she saw me. A small smile painted across her face.
"Hi" she barely whispered. Something was wrong. She wasn't coming to attack me she wasn't doing anything. I move closer to her and that's when I see her arms. There were bite marks all over them.
"You tried to drink your own blood? You know it doesn't work like that right?"
"Yea but it hurt like hell and that's what I deserved," she said and looked up to me.
"Come with me. I'm going to take you somewhere that they can help you. Well, more like one person."
" Where are we going?"
"You'll see when we get there, "
I didn't end up using the sack because I felt bad for Clarissa. She tried to drain herself because she tried to drain Ashley. Well that was at least her story behind it. I was carrying her bridal style. Her head in the crook of my neck. The look on the guys faces when I brought her out of her room like this were insane. They thought I was crazy for holding her like this because she could bite me whenever she wanted. Not that I would mind... they were also freaking out about her arms because they think I did that. No ew. But that is a way to weaken a vampire. They couldn't believe that she did it herself.
I held her as close as I could to my chest. I felt her relaxing. Its good to know I can at least keep her calm.
Clarissa's pov
My body felt warm pressed up to Andy's chest. Now this felt more than right to me. I felt so protected in his arms. I wanted to keep it that way. I guess I should attach myself to him more often. I still had no clue where we are going but I could care less right now.  I pick my head off of Andy's neck and look around. We got the whole gang here. My eyes first land on Jake. He looks so lonely. Maybe I can find him someone. Then my eyes go over to CC. He's a cool guy. Then I spot Jinxx. He is such a cutie. Then I look over to Ashley. Let's just forget what happened there. Then I look up at Andy, he's so determined. His facial features are so perfect. He is so perfect. How could I have been so blind to see that Andy was always the one for me. But instead I just blew him off. He is the one I want to be kissing he is the one that I want to see right when I step out of a shower. He looked down at me and his electrifying blew eyes took my breath away. How did I resist him for as long as I did. I laid my head back into the crook of his neck and the swaying soon made me drift off to sleep.

"Clary wake up, we are here," Andy says as I am shaken awake. 

I up to the small little cabin that sit in front of us. Who would live in such a lonely place? It's so small too. It was like cabin in the woods. That movie was really messed up too. As we got closer to the house I smelled something very weird. So weird that I couldn't even describe it.

"Andy? What is that smell?" I whisper to him. 

"Oh that?" He says as he takes in a deep breath of the air. "That is the smell of witch my friend. We came here to introduce you to Morise. You have already met her but you probably don't remember. Your mom brought you here to keep you safe. Oh yea.  You were adopted too!"

"Woah slow down there. I do not remember coming to this cabin before and I do not remember having another mother and my life and adopted?! You usually don't randomly come out and tell a kid that they are adopted but you just did to me except I'm not a kid."

"Yes I know you probably have all these questions in your head but that is why we came here so you could ask Morise all of these questions because she probably knows all of the answers. Now lets go into the house shall we?"

Andy put me down and we stepped inside of the house. It was amazing. It was small but it was beautiful on the inside. And Andy said this girl was a witch? I thought their houses were like really dirty or something. 

"Who is it?" Someone called from the other room. 

"Its the men in black!" CC said loud and proudly. 

The witch girl named Morise slowly walked into the room. She looked up at me and right at that instant, memories started to flow through my brain. 

"Come on Clarissa you need to stay here." The girl with the brown hair was telling me. But I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay with her. 

"But I don't want to mama," I started to cry.

"You are not safe with me right now. You need to stay here. I promise I will come back to get you." She kissed the top of my head and tried to leave but I kept tugging on her sleeve. "Come on baby if I don't go now they will find us both here. I need to go." Morise came over and picked me up.

"NO MAMA" I screamed as I watched my mom walk out of the door. 

Morise took care of me for about a year but then these people showed up to take me away. I thought they were taking me to see my mama. Before they took me Morise brought me into the other room and looked into my eyes telling me to forget everything that happened this day and the past. 

I woke up in my bed, not remembering anything. 

"Mama?" I called out. A girl with blonde hair came and my room in response of me calling out. I knew that wasn't her but the little me didn't.

"You told me to forget," I told Morise.

"It was for your own good. I had to give you to another family because I knew that these people were going to find you. They had caught your mother and I don't know where she is or what happened to her. And now I see you are a vampire. That means you are very powerful. Which one of these boys did you bite first?"


Sorry if the end of this chapter confused you little. The italics is the memories of course but if you need me to explain anything to you just ask. And sorry for the late update. I've been so lazy and sick. 

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