Part 47

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"Morning." He says as he kisses my nose. "Did you sleep at all after last night?" He adds and I let out a Jawn.

"Not really, I kept thinking about what happened last night." I say as I roll against him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head.

"I don't like the thought of you going back to work today." He says while caressing my back.

Today would be my first day back to work after a week. Took some time off after Casy and the fact that I stayed at a motel for four or five days.

"I have to, I missed too much already." I say as I get out of bed. I grab my robe and he walks behind me.

"They can find you there, it's really not safe." He says as we walk downstairs to the kitchen.

I walk over to the fridge, and I grab all kinds of stuff to make breakfast since I don't need to work until later today.

"They can find me anywhere James, look at last night. They were in our house." I say and I start grabbing some croissants that I made yesterday and throw them in the oven.

He just looks at me as he sits on the chair on the other side of the kitchen island, and I stop with what I'm doing.

I walk over to him, and I stand in between his legs while I slide my hands over his arms.

"I'll be fine, really." I say but he still doesn't say a thing as he keeps looking at me. Clearly not convinced enough.

"There are a lot of people at the hospital, no one's gonna hurt me in front of all those people." I say and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Hmm." Is the only thing that comes out of his mouth, still not convinced.

"I'm bringing you, and I'm picking you up." He finally says with a serious tone with no face expressions.

"That's fine by me."

"Even if you weren't, you have no choice." He says and I let out a chuckle and I give him a couple quick kisses on his lips.

Not gonna lie, I am scared to go back to work, I'm scared to go outside in general. But I just need to go, I missed too much, and I can't afford to miss more.

I finish making breakfast and we sit at the table. After he's done with eating, he leans back in his chair with black coffee in his hand as he stares at me.

"I want you to bring your gun." He says but I shake my head while I break my croissant in pieces to put it in my mouth.

"No." I say but he immediately leans forwards.

"Yes." He says and I look up to him.

"No, James I'm not bringing I fucking gun to a hospital are you insane?" I say and he clenches his jaw.

"Candace, I don't wanna argue about this again."

"Me neither, I'm not bringing it with me." I say and I stand up to clear the table.

He stands up too and he walks behind me to the kitchen.

"You're safer with a gun, look at last night. You grabbed it just in case." He says as he stands next to me while I throw everything in the dishwasher.

"That's different. I have no problem keeping a gun with me at home. I'm not bringing that to a hospital where children are or anyone for that matter." I say and he lets out a sigh.

I turn around to face him as I throw the towel on the counter.

"James, if anyone sees it, I'm in trouble. If anyone gets their hands on it, I'm in bigger trouble. I'm not taking the risk, not to a hospital."

Over my dead body ~James Barnes~Where stories live. Discover now