Chapter 11: Group Work

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Aunt Abigail insisted that Joey stay with her for the next week to help with her wing.

The car pulled up in front of her Aunts house, Joey smirked, it was just what she was expecting.

It was a tall 2 story townhouse with a bright red door and dark siding. It was just outside the campus, 2 blocks from frat row.

"Well, are you coming inside?" Her Aunt asked, she had grabbed Joey's bag and was already up the front steps unlocking the door.

Joey got out of the car and walked inside her Aunts house.

It had simple plain walls with dark hardwood floors. The furniture looked old and vintage, but the sofas were extremely soft and comfortable.

"Your room is the third door when you walk up the stairs," her Aunt said, putting her bag down on the sofa and heading through an archway.

"I have a bedroom?" Her Aunt gave a laugh from the other room, Joey peered into the doorway to find the kitchen.

"Of course you do, when your mom told me you were enrolling I got it all set up incase you wanted to live with me," Her Aunt said warmly, digging through the cabinets and fridge.

Joey nodded, grabbing her bag and heading up the stairs. She found the door and gently pushed it open.

The room was about the same size as her dorm, the walls were a light blue with crown molding. There was a simple bed and desk, and a large bookcase in the corner. She set her bag on the desk in front of the window and sat on the bed. It was very soft.

Joey's heart warmed at the thought of her Aunt going through all the just to make her feel comfortable. She rolled onto her stomach and closed her eyes.


"Joesphine, dear," Her Aunt said soothingly, rubbing her shoulder. "Unless you want to be late to class and not have breakfast, I would get up soon, dear," Her Aunt gave a soft laugh and stood up from the bed, seeing Joey's eyes open.

"What time is it?" Joey tried to raise up in her elbows but her cast made it awkward. She sat up, throwing her legs off the end of the bed.

"6 AM,"

"I didn't mean to fall asleep before dinner, sorry," Joey said, rubbing her tired eyes.

"Oh its fine, I figured you would have just wanted to go to bed, but if you don't hurry your breakfast is going to get cold," Her Aunt calmly left the room, Joey looked around the room and realized all her textbooks were on the desk.

Her Aunt must have gone to her dorm and gotten her things.

After breakfast, Abigail drove the both of them onto campus and parked by the administration's office. They agreed to meet here at the end of the day so Joey didn't have to walk home.

Joey walked to her first class, Roar tactics 102, because of her score on the scaring final in high school she got to enroll in honors classes.

She walked into the lecture hall and took a seat in the back, the seats were more spread out, allowing room for her wing.

She opened her notebook and got her pencil out when someone sat next to her and leaned in.

"Funny seeing you here,"

Joey rolled her eyes, looking back at the floor.

"Hey, Johnny," His arm was out of the sling but still had the cast on it. He had a goofy grin on his face as he looked around the room as more students to filled into the room.

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