Hi all, again this story is completely fictional and for entertainment purposes only :)Marshall's POV
Finally made it to the the house that Kim and Robert are trying to buy , it was nice not to big and not to small it was in a quiet and well looked after neighbourhood which is rare for Detroit .
I got out of the car and as I walked up to the door I heard yelling for a second I thought I must have got the house number wrong but then Kim comes running out the front door ."Yo Kim what's going on" I ask grabbing her arm.
" Marshall the guy that's selling the house found out I'm your ex wife and has now raised the price to $50k more " she yelled throwing her hands up in the air .
"What the fuck ! That has to be legal no way can he do that, what did the realtor say " I asked.
"No much she said that it was in the owners rights to change the price , but we already put an offer in when the price was $475k and then this morning he called the realtor and said that ^ put $50k on top of that and it's theirs I know she can afford it ^ there has to be something I can do Marshall? We love this house it's perfect and so do the girls " Kim cried .
" selfish fuck I swear some people think they can do shit like this it pisses me off ! " I said with anger across my face .
"Could maybe Brian look into " Kim asks.
" Brian's retired Kim, but his replacement Emma is meant to be the shit according to Paul imma give her a call see if she can sort this out " I said grabbing my phone and calling Emma .After a few rings she finally picked up .
"Hello " she said .
"Hey Emma , it's Marshall are you busy ?" I ask .
"Hi mr Mathers , no not at the minute is everything okay ? " she asks .
"Well my ex wife Kim and her husband are in the middle of buying a house and are having some problems with it " I say looking at him .
"Oh okay , there is nothing worse when stuff like that happens. Do you need me to look into it ?" She asks politely.
" yea please if it's not to much trouble , im gonna send Kim to your office she will have all the stuff you might need , what time is good " I ask .
" that's no trouble at all mr Mathers , I'm just about to leave for home but I can wait here or whatever " she says .
"Oh shit Emma sorry I didn't realise what time it was " looking at my watch to see it was 5.30 pm.
" it's okay don't worry " she said .
" Are you free in the morning ? She could stop by at 10am after getting the kids to school " I ask and look at Kim to make sure that would suit her , she nodded yes.
" yes 10am works perfectly, oh I have those forms ready for you as well"she said.
" cool Emma thanks for helping Kim, I won't be around till the afternoon tomorrow so il pick them up when I'm back in the office then " I said.
" okay sounds good , is there anything else I can help you with ? " she asks .
"No thats all , catch you later " I said .
" grand bye mr Mathers talk to you tomorrow "she said and hung the phone up."So what's happening " Kim asks .
"Emma will meet you in the morning at 10am just bring all the stuff for the house " I smiled.
"Great , thanks again for all the help Marshall " she smiled and hugged me .
"It's good Kim, but where's Robert " I asked hugging her back .
"Oh shit he's still inside " she laughed walking in the door .
I followed her in and Robert was just standing there arms folded looking around the room .
"Yo Rob what's happening man " I say pulling him into a hug.
"Yo Marshall good to see you man , Kim tell you the trouble this fucking house it causing ?" He laughed .
" yeah she brought me up to speed , I'm setting you up with the new legal head she's going to sort this stupid shit out " I say .
"Thanks man , we really appreciate all the help Em . So what you think of the house , you wanna take a look around ?" Robert asks walking into the kitchen .
"Yea sure " I say following him.He takes me on a tour around the house and out to the back yard where there was a small swimming pool with decking . It's a really nice place I can see why they want it so bad if I didn't need a recording studio and that my house would probably look like this one .
Kim then walks outside to meet us to let us know we have to leave as the realtor is heading off . We walk out to the front yard and chat by our cars for a few minutes before heading our separate ways .Emma's POV ....
My alarm went of at exactly 7am , Iv been in Detroit 3 weeks and last night was the best night sleep Iv had since getting here .
I'm not going to lie I didn't want to get out of bed I could have stayed in it all day but today is Friday so it's not to bad get this day done and over then a it's wine and Chinese take away weekend for me, myself and I .I finally got up and got showered , I popped on a tight black pencil skirt with a dark red long sleeved blouse and black heels with a ribbon back , did some light makeup and put my hair up in a bun. Grabbed a quick breakfast and got into my car . I was on the road I decided to try call my mum with the 5 hour time difference it can be difficult, after a few min she finally answered.
" hey mam it's Emma " I smiled into the phone .
" hello pet , it's good to hear your voice how are you?" She asked.
" I'm good mom , just left the house on my way to work , I'm off tomorrow so just letting you know il be able to Skype if you guys aren't busy " I said .
"How is work going? Yea we should be around in the evening but ring me first just incase you know your dad he could be off doing anything " she laughed.
" works good, I'm liking it so far but it's only been a week ask me again at the end of the month, haha I know speaking off dad where is he ?" I asked laughing.
" he's on his way home from work should be here soon , any plans for the weekend Emma? "She asked.
" nope not a thing I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow I have no food in the house been living off take outs" I laugh .
" oh god I may send some dinners in the mail " she replied.
"I would only love that , I miss Irish food so much what I wouldn't do for a stew right now ha, mom I'm sorry but got to go I'm heading into the underground parking and I won't have any signal, il Skype you tomorrow okay tell dad and the gang I said hello love you "I said heading into the parking garage of shady records .
"Okay pet talk to you tomorrow love you too be safe " she said hanging up the phone .As I parked my car and headed into the building I thought a lot about home and how I miss it especially my mam and dad . My family are very close and get on so well I have 2 older sisters and 1 younger brother along with 4 nephews and 1 niece, I would truly be lost without them and my friends back home. I miss the nights going out and having fun then going home hungover the next day while Mam and dad would make me dinner and snacks to make me feel better even at the age of 28 they were still so caring and loving not just to me but to everyone .
I get to my desk and sort my stuff out for the day when the phone on my desk rang ." hi this Emma Mathews " I said politely.
"Emma, it's Leah I have Kim Scott here to see you " she said .
"Oh yes please send her in thanks Leah " I said into the phone smiling .
As I put the phone this women with blonde hair walked into my office she was bit older than me but still very pretty, she smiled and walked towards me I stood and held out my hand to shake hers .
" hi I'm Emma , you must be Kim?" I asked smiling as I shook her hand .
"Yes that's me , thank you for seeing Emma I really appreciate it " she said .
" oh no worries at all , please take a seat" I said pointing to one of the chairs in front of my desk .
" thank you , here is all documents of the house " she smiled and handed me a black folder .
" great , you wanna just fill me in on what's going on with the house while I look over these " i said taking the folder from her and taking my seat at my desk across from her .
" sure , where do I start " she laughed .
She told me everything that was going on with the house , the original asking price then their offer and the sellers demands of more money . It's so not right what this man is demanding and it's illegal, just because he knows she has money he thinks he can do it . I told her not to worry as this would be settled by next week otherwise il be bringing him to court and it's very doubtful he would want that.
When we were finished talking about the house we just chatted about normal stuff she asked me about Ireland and my move , I didn't ask her much as i didn't want to seem to nosy but she told me about her husband Robert and her kids anyways . She also suggested we hang out sometime so I could get to know her and that way I would know someone around to hang with , I definitely think I will be taking her up on that offer as I can't not have any social life here .
She left then after saying her goodbyes and giving me her number . I then started looking through all the documents in front of me and got to work I thought to myself - let's go get Kim her dream fucking house -.

Started with a bet
FanfictionFormerly know as - For the love of law -. Emma Mathews is a lawyer from Ireland, after heartache and fall out she decides to take up a job offer working as head of legal for shady records. After befriending Marshall Mathers Ex wife Kim Scott and...